How many integers (to be worked on) ? 2
Enter integer #1: 1230476
Enter integer #2: 10034850
Occurrence of all existing digits --
Digit 0 : 4
Digit 1 : 2
Digit 2 : 1
Digit 3 : 2
Digit 4 : 2
Digit 5 : 1
Digit 6 : 1
Digit 7 : 1
Digit 8 : 1
Digit 9 : 0
Occurence of all existing EVEN digits --
Digit 0 : 4
Digit 2 : 1
Digit 4 : 2
Digit 6 : 1
Digit 8 : 1
偶數位(S),有/有最大的發生 - 0
具有/最小出現次數的偶數 - 而且發生次數:1
這是我的代碼迄今的最後一部分: 無效displayDigitInfoUpdateStanDeng(){
int intsWorkedOn;
int* intValue;
int allDigitCount[10] = {0};
int largestOccurEven;
int smallestOccurEven;
int curDigit;
cout << "\n Calling on displayDigitInfoUpdateStanDeng() --"
<< "\n How many integers (to be worked on) ? ";
cin >> intsWorkedOn;
intValue = new int[intsWorkedOn];
for (int i = 0; i < intsWorkedOn; i++) {
cout << " Enter integer #" << i + 1 << ": ";
cin >> *(intValue + i);
for (int i = 0; i < intsWorkedOn; i++) {
do {
allDigitCount[*(intValue + i) % 10]++;
*(intValue + i) /= 10;
} while (*(intValue + i));
cout << "\n Occurence of all existing digits --";
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
cout << "\n Digit " << i << " : " << allDigitCount[i];
cout << "\n Occurence of all existing EVEN digits --";
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
cout << "\n Digit " << i - 1 << " : " << allDigitCount[i++];
cout << "\n The even digit(s) that has/have the largest occurrence -";
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
largestOccurEven = allDigitCount[i++] % 10;
curDigit = allDigitCount[i++];
if (curDigit < largestOccurEven) {
cout << "\n " << i
<< "\n And the number of occurrence(s) : " << largestOccurEven;
} else {
cout << endl;
有多少個整數(待處理)? 2 輸入整數#1:1230476 輸入整數#2:10034850
Occurrence of all existing digits --
Digit 0 : 4
Digit 1 : 2
Digit 2 : 1
Digit 3 : 2
Digit 4 : 2
Digit 5 : 1
Digit 6 : 1
Digit 7 : 1
Digit 8 : 1
Digit 9 : 0
Occurence of all existing EVEN digits --
Digit 0 : 4
Digit 2 : 1
Digit 4 : 2
Digit 6 : 1
Digit 8 : 1
的甚至有位(S)/具有最大的發生 - 2
和發生(S)的數量: 4
具有/最小發生次數的偶數 - ? 而且事件的數量:0
是的,這樣做更有意義。但是現在我不確定如何處理我的if語句。我需要它只輸出最大的值,但現在curDigit和largestOccurEven的值是一樣的......你介意給我一個更多的提示嗎? – user2809589
沒關係!我更改爲if語句:if(largestOccurEven> intsWorkedOn)。非常感謝!! – user2809589