2016-02-27 145 views

我在TabLayout中使用帶有CardView的RecyclerView。如果我在滑動到另一個選項卡並返回第一個選項卡後上下滾動,RecyclerView將複製第一個選項卡上的卡片。我如何去防止重複?我將在帖子的評論中發佈pastebin鏈接到代碼的其餘部分。Android:使用RecyclerView和CardView重複項目 - 如何停止重複?


package com.benrcarvergmail.cvhsmobileapplication; 

import android.support.v7.widget.CardView; 
import android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView; 
import android.util.Log; 
import android.view.LayoutInflater; 
import android.view.View; 
import android.view.ViewGroup; 
import android.widget.ImageView; 
import android.widget.TextView; 

import java.util.List; 

public class MyRecyclerViewAdapater extends RecyclerView.Adapter<MyRecyclerViewAdapater.MyViewHolder> { 
    private List<AnnouncementsFragment.Announcement> mDataset; // ArrayList implementation to hold data 

    private static final String TAG = "MyRecyclerViewAdapter"; 

    // Provide a reference to the views for each data item 
    // Complex data items may need more than one view per item, and 
    // you provide access to all the views for a data item in a view holder 
    public static class MyViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder { 
     public CardView mCardView;   // The CardView itself 
     public TextView mInfoTextView;  // The announcement's text 
     public TextView mIntroTextView;  // The announcement's intro text 
     public TextView mDateTextView;  // The announcement's date 
     public TextView mTitleTextView;  // The announcement's title 
     public ImageView mCardViewIcon;  // The announcement's icon 

     private boolean isExpanded = false; 

     // References to all of the elements of the CardView 
     public MyViewHolder(View v) { 
      super(v); // Call the super() constructor 
      mCardView = (CardView) v.findViewById(R.id.card_view);     // The CardView 
      mIntroTextView = (TextView) v.findViewById(R.id.intro_text_view);  // The intro text 
      mInfoTextView = (TextView) v.findViewById(R.id.info_text_view);   // The text 
      mTitleTextView = (TextView) v.findViewById(R.id.title_text_view);  // The title 
      mDateTextView = (TextView) v.findViewById(R.id.date_text_view);   // The date 
      mCardViewIcon = (ImageView) v.findViewById(R.id.card_view_icon);  // The icon 

      v.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { 
       public void onClick(View v) { 
        Log.i(TAG, "onClick() called!"); 

        // If it is already expanded, collapse it. Otherwise, expand it. 
        if (isExpanded) { 
         // Collapses the CardView and sets isExpanded to false 
         Log.i(TAG, "isExpanded: " + isExpanded); 
         isExpanded = collapse(v); // returns false 
        } else { 
         // Expands the CardView and sets isExpanded to true 
         Log.i(TAG, "isExpanded: " + isExpanded); 
         isExpanded = expand(v); // returns True 

     // Expand the CardView 
     private boolean expand(View cardView) { 
      // Make the intro text invisible and make the full text visible 
      return true; 

     // Collapse the CardView 
     private boolean collapse(View cardView) { 
      // Make the intro text visible and make the full text invisible 
      return false; 

    // Provide a suitable constructor (depends on the kind of dataset) 
    public MyRecyclerViewAdapater(List<AnnouncementsFragment.Announcement> myDataset) { 
     mDataset = myDataset; 

    // Sets a new Dataset to be our Dataset of Announcements 
    public void updateList(List<AnnouncementsFragment.Announcement> newData) { 
     mDataset = newData; 

    // Add an Announcement to our Dataset 
    public void addItem(int position, AnnouncementsFragment.Announcement newAnnouncement) { 
     mDataset.add(position, newAnnouncement); 

    // Remove an Announcement from our Dataset 
    public void removeItem(int position) { 

    // Create new views (invoked by the layout manager) 
    public MyRecyclerViewAdapater.MyViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, 
                int viewType) { 
     // create a new view 
     View v = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()) 
       .inflate(R.layout.card_item, parent, false); 
     // set the view's size, margins, paddings and layout parameters 
     MyViewHolder vh = new MyViewHolder(v); 

     return vh; 

    This method internally calls onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder, int) to update 
    the RecyclerView.ViewHolder contents with the item at the given position 
    and also sets up some private fields to be used by RecyclerView. 
    public void onBindViewHolder(MyViewHolder holder, int position) { 

     /* Get the proper Announcement's intro text (generate it, it isn't already generated 
     upon or during instantiation) and assign it to the appropriate TextView. */ 

     /* Get the proper Announcement's text and assign the 
     informational TextView's text to a shortened version of the 
     text. The full text will be displayed upon expansion of the CardView. */ 

     /* Get the proper Announcement's date and assign the 
     date TextView's text to the aforementioned date.toString() */ 

     /* Get the proper Announcement's title and assign the 
     title TextView's text to the aforementioned title. */ 

     // Ensure that only the intro text is visible at first 

     int imagePath = mDataset.get(position).getImageSource(); 
     if(!(imagePath == Integer.MIN_VALUE)) { 
      /* When Image support is fully implemented, we'd assign the Image a source. 
      For now, however, nothing happens except we print that an Image was specified. */ 
      Log.i(TAG, "An image ID was specified for the Announcement " 
        + mDataset.get(position).getTitle()); // We could use .toString() instead of .getTitle() 

     Log.i(TAG, "onBindViewHolder() called"); 
    public void onAttachedToRecyclerView(RecyclerView recyclerView) { 

    public long getItemId(int position) { 
     return position; 

    // Returns number of elements in the mDataset List 
    public int getItemCount() { 
     if (mDataset == null) { 
      return -1; 
     } else { 
      return mDataset.size(); 


package com.benrcarvergmail.cvhsmobileapplication; 

import android.os.Bundle; 
import android.support.v4.app.Fragment; 
import android.support.v7.widget.DefaultItemAnimator; 
import android.support.v7.widget.LinearLayoutManager; 
import android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView; 
import android.util.Log; 
import android.view.LayoutInflater; 
import android.view.View; 
import android.view.ViewGroup;; 

import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.Date; 

* The type Announcements fragment. 
public class AnnouncementsFragment extends Fragment { 

    private ArrayList<Announcement> data; 

    private static final String TAG = "AnnouncementsFragment"; 

    * Instantiates a new Announcements fragment. 
    public AnnouncementsFragment() { 
     // Instantiate the data ArrayList so we may populate it during onCreateView() 
     data = new ArrayList<Announcement>(); 

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 


    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, 
          Bundle savedInstanceState) { 
     // Inflate the layout for this fragment 
     View rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_announcements, container, false); 
     // Create object reference to the RecyclerView created in fragment_announcements.xml 
     RecyclerView rv = (RecyclerView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.rv_recycler_view); 
     // Ensure that its size is fixed (unchanging) 
     // Populate the data ArrayList. We currently do not utilize the boolean return type 
     // Create an adapter for the RecyclerView, passing the ArrayList of text we want displayed 
     MyRecyclerViewAdapater adapter = new MyRecyclerViewAdapater(data); 
     // Set the RecyclerView's adapater to the one we just created 

     // A LinearLayoutManager is a A RecyclerView.LayoutManager 
     // implementation which provides similar functionality to ListView. 
     LinearLayoutManager llm = new LinearLayoutManager(getActivity()); 

     return rootView; 

    // This will populate the data ArrayList with the data we want to display. This may 
    // eventually get more complicated (if we require lots of different data other than 
    // text to be shown. Additionally, this will eventually grab the information from a server. 
    private boolean populateData() { 
     // This text was generated with an Android Studio plugin known as Insert Dummy Text. That 
     // fact is completely useless but nevertheless, it's a good plugin and I recommend it. I 
     // add a new line (+ "\n" to each String to ensure it doesn't get cut off. This may mess 
     // things up of the String is only one line though, so we'll see what happens. 

     // Add each new announcement to the ArrayList. We are creating the Announcements when we pass them. 
     data.add(new Announcement("Test Announcement #1", 
       "Chilled celery can be made melted by seasoning with white wine. " + 
        "Turkey mousse has to have a delicious, sour pickles component." + "\n", 
          new Date())); 
     data.add(new Announcement("Test Announcement #2", 
       "Cook iced lettuces in a bottle with soy sauce for about an hour to increase their viscosity." + 
        "Remember: scraped melon tastes best when peeled in a frying pan varnished with dill." + "\n", 
          new Date())); 
     data.add(new Announcement("Test Announcement #3", 
       "After warming the chickpeas, enamel avocado, rhubarb and maple syrup " + 
       "with it in a plastic bag. Toast two chocolates, rice, and marmalade in a large " + 
       "frying pan over medium heat, cook for a dozen minutes and soak with some " + 
       "zucchini."+ "\n", 
         new Date())); 
     data.add(new Announcement("Test Announcement #4", 
       "All children like pressed raspberries in peanut sauce and woodruff." + 
        "Try draining paste rinseed with gold tequila, enameled with corn syrup."+ "\n", 
          new Date())); 
     data.add(new Announcement("Test Announcement #5", 
       "Mash peanut butter quickly, then mix with whiskey and serve thoroughly in pan." + 
        "Mash margarine smoothly, then mix with kefir and serve fairly in bottle." + "\n", 
          new Date())); 

     return true; // May eventually return false if unable to pull data from server 

    * Announcement class to store all data pertaining to what might be 
    * displayed or associated with any given announcement. This implementation 
    * is subject to change at any point, as a better methodology may be discovered. 
    * There are a lot of possible future features to announcements. The possibilities 
    * include: customisable icon, Announcement type (club, sports, general, weather, etc.), 
    * Announcement caster (dedicated field pertaining to whom the announcement is from), etc. 
    class Announcement { 

     private String title;   // The announcement's title 
     private String text;   // The announcement's textual information 
     private int imageSource;  // In the format R.id.XYZ 
     private Date announcementDate; // The date the announcement was posted. 

     * Instantiates a new Announcement with a title, text, an image, and a date. 
     * @param title the announcement's title 
     * @param text the text-based information for the Announcement 
     * @param source the source for the (optional) image in the format R.id.XYZ 
     * @param date the date of the announcement 

     public Announcement(String title, String text, int source, Date date) { 
      this.title = title; 
      this.text = text; 
      imageSource = source; 
      announcementDate = date; 

     * Instantiates a new Announcement with a title, text, and a date. 
     * This also will assign imageSource to Integer.MIN_VALUE so it will 
     * be something that we can check for and that won't be used automatically by accident. 
     * @param title the announcement's title 
     * @param text the text-based information for the Announcement 
     * @param date the date of the announcement 

     public Announcement(String title, String text, Date date) { 
      this.title = title; 
      this.text = text; 
      imageSource = Integer.MIN_VALUE; 
      announcementDate = date; 

     * Instantiates a new Announcement with text, an image, and a date. 
     * @param text the text-based information for the Announcement 
     * @param source the source for the (optional) image in the format R.id.XYZ 
     * @param date the date of the announcement 

     public Announcement(String text, int source, Date date) { 
      this.text = text; 
      imageSource = source; 
      announcementDate = date; 

     * Instantiates a new Announcement with just the text and a date. 
     * This also will assign imageSource to Integer.MIN_VALUE so it will 
     * be something that we can check for and that won't be used automatically by accident. 
     * @param text the text-based information for the Announcement 
     * @param date the date of the announcement 
     public Announcement(String text, Date date) { 
      this.text = text; 
      announcementDate = date; 
      imageSource = Integer.MIN_VALUE; 

     * Instantiates a new Announcement with just an image and a date. 
     * @param source the source for the (optional) image in the format R.id.XYZ 
     * @param date the date of the announcement 
     public Announcement(int source, Date date) { 
      imageSource = source; 
      announcementDate = date; 

     * Instantiates a new Announcement with just an image. The date is 
     * automatically assigned to the date and time of the method call. 
     * @param source the source for the (optional) image in the format R.id.XYZ 
     public Announcement(int source) { 
      imageSource = source; 
      announcementDate = new Date(); 

     * Instantiates a new Announcement with just text. The date is 
     * automatically assigned to the date and time of the method call. 
     * This also will assign imageSource to Integer.MIN_VALUE so it will 
     * be something that we can check for and that won't be used automatically by accident. 
     * @param text the text for the Announcement. 
     public Announcement(String text) { 
      this.text = text; 
      imageSource = Integer.MIN_VALUE; 
      announcementDate = new Date(); 

     * Gets announcement date. 
     * @return the announcement date 
     public Date getAnnouncementDate() { 
      return announcementDate; 

     * Sets announcement date. 
     * @param announcementDate the new announcement date 
     public void setAnnouncementDate(Date announcementDate) { 
      this.announcementDate = announcementDate; 

     * Gets image source. 
     * @return the Announcement's image source 
     public int getImageSource() { 
      return imageSource; 

     * Sets image source. 
     * @param imageSource the new image source in the form R.id.XYZ 
     public void setImageSource(int imageSource) { 
      this.imageSource = imageSource; 

     * Gets text. 
     * @return the Announcement's text 
     public String getText() { 
      return text; 

     * Sets text. 
     * @param text the new text value 
     public void setText(String text) { 
      this.text = text; 

     * Gets title. 
     * @return the Announcement's title 
     public String getTitle() { 
      return title; 

     * Sets title. 
     * @param title the new Announcement title 
     public void setTitle(String title) { 
      this.title = title; 

     public boolean equals(Object obj) { 
      // If obj is null, return false 
      if (obj == null) { 
       return false; 

      // clazz.isAssignableFrom(Foo.class) returns true if the 
      // clazz object is a superclass or superinterface of Foo 
      if (!Announcement.class.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass())) { 
       return false; 

      // Check to see if all necessary variables are equal or not 
      final Announcement objPerson = (Announcement) obj; 
      if ((this.announcementDate == null) ? (objPerson.announcementDate != null) : !this.announcementDate.equals(objPerson.announcementDate)) { 
       return false; 
      if (this.imageSource != objPerson.imageSource) { 
       return false; 
      if ((this.text == null) ? (objPerson.text != null) : !this.text.equals(objPerson.text)) { 
       return false; 
      if ((this.title == null) ? (objPerson.title != null) : !this.title.equals(objPerson.title)) { 
       return false; 
      return true; 

     * Converts Announcement to String form in the format 
     public String toString() { 
      return "Announcement: " + title + ", " + text + ", " + announcementDate.toString() + ", " + imageSource; 

     * This method creates a substring from the announcement's text to be used as a intro of 
     * sorts. Basically, this generated String can be used to display on each CardView when 
     * the CardView isn't expanded. Upon expansion, the CardView will display the full text 
     * of the announcement. 
     * @return a substring of the announcement 
     public String generateIntro() { 
      Log.i(TAG, "generateIntro() called!"); 
      if (text.length() == 0) { 
       return "..."; 
      } else { 
       // Ensure that the text is long to generate an 80-character substring 
       if (text.length() >= 80) { 
        String toReturn = text.substring(0, 80) + "..."; 
        // Log.i(TAG, "Returning: " + toReturn + "\n for String: " + text); 
        return toReturn; 
       } else { 
        // Log.i(TAG, "Returning full String for String: \n" + text); 
        return text; // The text is already short enough. 

MainActi vity.java http://pastebin.com/YsiL7yfn card_item.xml http://pastebin.com/wxFni7vq – Scusemua




if(data!=null) data.clear(); 

修復它 - 非常感謝你! :-)我不確定populateData()是否可能是罪魁禍首,但是在實現if(data!= null)data.clear();我應該抓住這個,這是有道理的。謝謝你,小夥伴。 – Scusemua


快樂......結束......接受它作爲答案,如果它有幫助。 :) –


我接受它,只要五分鐘的時間,我不能接受它作爲答案,就結束了。再次感謝你! :) – Scusemua