2010-06-04 68 views



-- app 
    -- .hg 
    -- dependency 
     -- .hg 




# Make library on Google Code 
mkdir libOnGCode 
cd libOnGCode/ 
hg init 
echo "this library is really complex" > libfile 
hg add 
hg ci -m "I'm so awesome..." 
cd .. 

# Make app on Google Code 
mkdir appOnGCode 
cd appOnGCode/ 
hg init 
echo "my base app" > appfile 
hg add 
hg ci -m "Initial app commit" 
cd .. 

# Bring down local copy of app 
hg clone appOnGCode appLocal 
cd appLocal 
hg clone ../libOnGCode/ lib 
# abort: path 'lib/libfile' is inside repo 'lib' 
echo "I'm gonna use a library" >> appfile 
hg add lib 
hg add lib/* 
hg ci -m "Added a library" 
hg push # It's not tracking lib 

echo "Trying subrepos round 1..." 
echo lib = lib > .hgsub 
hg add .hgsub 
hg ci -m "Adding subrepo" 
# committing subrepository lib 
hg push 
# pushing to /workingdir/appOnGCode 
# pushing subrepo lib 
# abort: repository /workingdir/appOnGCode/lib not found! 

echo "Trying subrepos round 2..." 
echo lib = ../libOnGCode > .hgsub 
hg ci -m "Adding subrepo" 
hg push 
# Cool, the subrepo worked, pulling app pulls lib 
cd lib 
echo "My addition to the lib" >> libfile 
hg ci -m "Adding extra functionality" 
cd .. 
hg push 
cd ../libOnGCode 
hg update 
echo "Argh, it updated the lib on google code" 
echo "If I didn't have permission to push on the lib repo, pushing the app would fail" 
cat libfile 
echo "Removing those changes" 
hg backout -m "Removing those changes" tip 
cd ../appLocal/lib/ 
hg pull -u 
echo "Trying to add extra functionality again" >> libfile 
hg ci -m "Trying again" 
cd .hg/ 
echo "Removing hgrc, which only has path info" 
rm hgrc 
cd ../../ 
hg push 
cd ../appOnGCode 
hg update 
cat lib/libfile 
# Tears hair out 









hg init libOnGCode 
# Do stuff in libOnGCode 
hg commit -m "Library is all set up" 

hg init appOnGCode 
# Do some stuff in appOnGCode 
hg clone libOnGCode lib 
echo lib = lib > .hgsub 
hg add 
hg commit -m "App is all set up" 

# on your local system... 
hg clone /path/to/appOnGCode app 
cat app/lib/.hg/hgrC# Shows default is in appOnGCode/lib 
# Do some stuff to app and/or lib 
hg commit -m "Local stuff" 
hg push # Only goes to /appOnGCode. 



我不認爲有可能將其克隆到Google Code中。 – 2010-06-05 21:02:31