2015-01-02 100 views



string = ''' t Network Questions 
Is there   something like a (readied) charge in 5e? 
Can you use a 
    Bonus Action on a  turn''' 


print re.sub(r'\s+',' ',string) 

t Network Questions Is there something like a (readied) charge in 5e? Can you use a Bonus Action on  a turn 


print re.sub(r'\s*',' ',string) 

t N e t w o r k Q u e s t i o n s I s t h e r e s o m e t h i n g l i k e a (r e a d i e d) c h a r g e i n 5 e ? C a n y o u u s e a B o n u s A c t i o n o n a t u r n 





Is there   something like 
\s #one space 

Is there   something like 
     \s+ #one or more space 

Is there   something like 
     \s+ #one or more space 

# And so on untile 

Is there   something like 


Is there   something like 
\s* #matches here. Because there is zero occurence of space (Before the character I) 

Is there   something like 
\s* # matches here as well and so on in all the characters 

    # Here it doesnt match any character, Rather it matches the postion between I and s as there is zero occurence of \s 

這是任何人都可以給出的最好解釋。它的好答案很好地解釋了。 – user3116355


謝謝!!! :) – nu11p01n73R

`*` matches an empty string as well. 



@這是一個新的信息。很有幫助。非常感謝。 – user3116355


但是,我們怎麼能說*只匹配空間出現呢?它找到了實際上不存在的單詞之間的空格。 – user3116355


@ user3116355它發現「一串空白的空格」。 – vks





但我想匹配所有空間。但是,我們怎麼能說*只匹配空間的出現呢?它找到了實際上不存在的單詞之間的空間。 – user3116355