我不是在最後您的文章絕對相信你是否有興趣在 -
- 產生被編譯時填充了一些功能
的連續 值的矩陣環繞矩陣按行第一順序,例如
Cols = 3; Rows = 3; f(i) = 2i; Vals = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) ->
或: -
- 生成一個矩陣,其中連續行是編譯時填充 一些功能
Cols = 3; f(i) = 3i; First_Vals = (4,7,10) ->
反正有辦法都做,這裏是一個你可以用一個 C++ 14符合標準的編譯使用。 (As @AndyG評論說,適用於編譯時矩陣的 實現 - 利用標準庫 - 是std::array
#include <array>
#include <utility>
namespace detail {
template<typename IntType, IntType(*Step)(IntType), IntType Start, IntType ...Is>
constexpr auto make_integer_array(std::integer_sequence<IntType,Is...>)
return std::array<IntType,sizeof...(Is)>{{Step(Start + Is)...}};
template<typename IntType, IntType(*Step)(IntType), IntType Start, std::size_t Length>
constexpr auto make_integer_array()
return make_integer_array<IntType,Step,Start>(
typename IntType, std::size_t Cols,
IntType(*Step)(IntType),IntType Start, std::size_t ...Rs
constexpr auto make_integer_matrix(std::index_sequence<Rs...>)
return std::array<std::array<IntType,Cols>,sizeof...(Rs)>
{{make_integer_array<IntType,Step,Start + (Rs * Cols),Cols>()...}};
} // namespace detail
Return a compiletime initialized matrix (`std::array` of std::array`)
of `Cols` columns by `Rows` rows. Ascending elements from [0,0]
in row-first order are populated with successive values of the
constexpr function `IntType Step(IntType i)` for `i` in
`[Start + 0,Start + (Rows * Cols))`
typename IntType, std::size_t Cols, std::size_t Rows,
IntType(*Step)(IntType), IntType Start
constexpr auto make_integer_matrix()
return detail::make_integer_matrix<IntType,Cols,Step,Start>(
Return a compiletime initialized matrix (`std::array` of std::array`)
of `Cols` columns by `sizeof...(Starts)` rows. Successive rows are populated
with successive values of the constexpr function `IntType Step(IntType i)`
for `i` in `[start + 0,start + Cols)`, for `start` successively in `...Starts`.
template<typename IntType, std::size_t Cols, IntType(*Step)(IntType), IntType ...Starts>
constexpr auto make_integer_matrix()
return std::array<std::array<IntType,Cols>,sizeof...(Starts)>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template<typename IntType>
constexpr auto times_3(IntType i)
return i * 3;
static constexpr auto m4x6 = make_integer_matrix<int,4,6,×_3<int>,4>();
static constexpr auto m5x1 = make_integer_matrix<int,5,×_3<int>,7>();
static constexpr auto m6x5 = make_integer_matrix<int,6,×_3<int>,11,13,17,19,23>();
static_assert(m4x6[0][0] == 12,"");
int main()
cout << "A 4 x 6 matrix that wraps around in steps of `3i` from `i` = 4" << endl;
for (auto const & ar : m4x6) {
for (auto const & i : ar) {
cout << i << ' ';
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "A 6 x 5 matrix with rows of `3i` for initial `i` in <11,13,17,19,23>"
<< endl;
for (auto const & ar : m6x5) {
for (auto const & i : ar) {
cout << i << ' ';
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "A 5 x 1 matrix with rows of of ` 3i` for initial `i` in <7>"
<< endl;
for (auto const & ar : m5x1) {
for (auto const & i : ar) {
cout << i << ' ';
cout << endl;
return 0;
A 4 x 6 matrix that wraps around in steps of `3i` from `i` = 4
12 15 18 21
24 27 30 33
36 39 42 45
48 51 54 57
60 63 66 69
72 75 78 81
A 6 x 5 matrix with rows of `3i` for initial `i` in <11,13,17,19,23>
33 36 39 42 45 48
39 42 45 48 51 54
51 54 57 60 63 66
57 60 63 66 69 72
69 72 75 78 81 84
A 5 x 1 matrix with rows of of ` 3i` for initial `i` in <7>
21 24 27 30 33
看到它at ideone
你是否試圖在每次索引時都生成給定行的數據?你是否希望爲表中的每個條目分配內存(就像在'std :: array'中一樣?或者是「僞造」表格足夠好([像這樣](http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/) a/51ac46f825dc22fd))? – AndyG
不幸的是,你的解決方案對我來說並不好,我需要真正的表格。我發佈的代碼是通過元編程手段來構建pascal三角形的問題的一種簡化。而不是任何真正使用的東西,我相信即使目前我沒有工作實現,也可能會完成。 – fjanisze
您的方法的主要問題是您試圖生成表中的部分指出用戶編入索引,如果表是在編譯時完全生成的,那麼索引到表中應該涉及索引到實際內存中;在運行時,我們必須知道我們索引到的類型。也就是說,'operation []'的結果必須是ak未知類型。 「序列」或「整數序列」等將數組編碼爲該類型;沒有涉及的實際記憶。如果我們想用可變參數模板 – AndyG