我嘗試Action Plan
後,一路爲新的線路匹配所有文字從字Problem Description
的組內的所有文字......這正則表達式是不工作...正則表達式 - 匹配關鍵字
(?=.*\bProblem Description\b)(?=.*\bBusiness Impact\b)(?=.*\bTroubleshooting\b)(?=.*\bCurrent Status\b)(?=.*\bAction Plan\b).+
Problem Description: Customer reported an problem with a card that was receiving a "broken chip error message".
Business Impact: Unknown
Troubleshooting: Collected the alarm history and the debug logs.
Current Status: Customer switched slots with several differnt cards and isolated it down to two defective cards.
Action Plan: once the completed form is returned will issue RMA.