2016-10-14 77 views



import numpy 
G = numpy.array([[ 0. , 0.55, 1.22], 
       [-0.54, 0. , 0.63], 
       [-1.3 , -0.63, 0. ]]) 

我只能找到一個all-pairs shortest path實施給予我的需要我的圖是大,我只需要1對節點的最短路徑,這似乎太浪費了。由於我將使用它來處理數千個圖表,因此性能對我來說很重要。

因此,我正在四處尋找一個貝爾曼 - 福特實施 - 有誰見過嗎?


這是題外話(因爲它要求異地庫或軟件工具)。谷歌搜索「Bellman-Ford Python」的搜索量很大,包括幾個完整的實現(例如https://dzone.com/articles/bellman-ford-algorithm-python)。爲什麼不從那裏開始? –




def bellmanFord(source, weights): 
    This implementation takes in a graph and fills two arrays 
    (distance and predecessor) with shortest-path (less cost/distance/metric) information 

    n = weights.shape[0] 

    # Step 1: initialize graph 
    distance = np.empty(n) 
    distance.fill(float('Inf'))  # At the beginning, all vertices have a weight of infinity 
    predecessor = np.empty(n) 
    predecessor.fill(float('NaN')) # And a null predecessor 

    distance[source] = 0    # Except for the Source, where the Weight is zero 

    # Step 2: relax edges repeatedly 
    for _ in xrange(1, n): 
     for (u, v), w in np.ndenumerate(weights): 
     if distance[u] + w < distance[v]: 
     distance[v] = distance[u] + w 
    predecessor[v] = u 

    # Step 3: check 
    for negative - weight cycles 
    for (u, v), w in np.ndenumerate(weights): 
     if distance[u] + w < distance[v]: 
     raise ValueError("Graph contains a negative-weight cycle") 

    return distance, predecessor 

不錯(+1)。我上面給出的鏈接提供了一個快速的矢量化版本。比較兩者會很有趣。 –


@JohnColeman謝謝,但矢量化版本只返回最優成本,而不是路徑。先前的信息在每次迭代後會在內部丟失。 – mchen