class MY_Form_validation extends CI_Form_validation {
// You only need to change the run() method, so we'll define a (modified) version.
// This will override the existing run() method so that it uses rules set from
// set_rules() AND from the config file.
function run($group = '')
if (count($_POST) == 0)
return FALSE;
// If there are any configuration rules defined, go ahead and use them
if (count($this->_config_rules) != 0)
// Is there a validation rule for the particular URI being accessed?
$uri = ($group == '') ? trim($this->CI->uri->ruri_string(), '/') : $group;
if ($uri != '' AND isset($this->_config_rules[$uri]))
// Load the language file containing error messages
// Cycle through the rules for each field, match the
// corresponding $_POST item and test for errors
foreach ($this->_field_data as $field => $row)
// Fetch the data from the corresponding $_POST array and cache it in the _field_data array.
// Depending on whether the field name is an array or a string will determine where we get it from.
if ($row['is_array'] == TRUE)
$this->_field_data[$field]['postdata'] = $this->_reduce_array($_POST, $row['keys']);
if (isset($_POST[$field]) AND $_POST[$field] != "")
$this->_field_data[$field]['postdata'] = $_POST[$field];
$this->_execute($row, explode('|', $row['rules']), $this->_field_data[$field]['postdata']);
// Did we end up with any errors?
$total_errors = count($this->_error_array);
if ($total_errors > 0)
$this->_safe_form_data = TRUE;
// Now we need to re-set the POST data with the new, processed data
// No errors, validation passes!
if ($total_errors == 0)
return TRUE;
// Validation fails
return FALSE;