#Start by making a string
String = input("Please enter a set of string characters.\n")
#Make the user choose a keyword
Keyword = input("Please enter a keyword that we can tell you the position of.\n")
#Split the string into single words assigning the position to the word after the space
IndivualWords = String.split(' ')
#Start an IF statement
if Keyword in IndivualWords:
#If the IF is true then access the index and assign the keyword a position
pos = IndivualWords.index(Keyword)
#Print the position of the word
print (pos +1)
#Print an error
print("That word is not in the string.")
[字符串中的子串的基本索引復發(蟒蛇)](可能的重複http://stackoverflow.com/questions/ 6987702/basic-indexing-recurrings-of-a-substring-within-a-string-python) – FamousJameous
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6294179/how-to-find-all-occurrences-of-an - 元素在列表中? –
這可能有所幫助:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3873361/finding-multiple-occurrences-of-a-string-within-a-string-in-python @Chris_Rands這個問題並不是真的類似於這個雖然 – Dartmouth