2013-07-08 88 views




// some code before 

for (int i = 0; i < [collectionView numberOfItemsInSection:0]; i++) { 
    cell = [collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForItem:i inSection:0]]; 
    if (!cell) { 
     [collectionView performBatchUpdates:^{ 
      [collectionView scrollToItemAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForItem:i inSection:0] atScrollPosition:UICollectionViewScrollPositionTop animated:NO]; 
      [collectionView reloadData]; 
     } completion:^(BOOL finished) { 
      cell = [collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForItem:i inSection:0]]; 
      NSLog(@"- after batch update %d %@", i, NSStringFromCGRect(cell.frame)); 
    NSLog(@"- %d %@", i, NSStringFromCGRect(cell.frame)); 

// another long code 



2013-07-08 16:38:57.904 My App[71245:c07] - 0 {{2, 2}, {217, 326}} 
2013-07-08 16:38:57.905 My App[71245:c07] - 1 {{231, 2}, {217, 326}} 
2013-07-08 16:38:57.906 My App[71245:c07] - 2 {{460, 2}, {217, 326}} 
2013-07-08 16:38:57.906 My App[71245:c07] - 3 {{689, 2}, {217, 315}} 
2013-07-08 16:38:57.907 My App[71245:c07] - 4 {{689, 340}, {217, 326}} 
2013-07-08 16:38:57.909 My App[71245:c07] - 5 {{2, 340}, {217, 329}} 
2013-07-08 16:38:57.909 My App[71245:c07] - 6 {{231, 340}, {217, 315}} 
2013-07-08 16:38:57.910 My App[71245:c07] - 7 {{460, 340}, {217, 286}} 
2013-07-08 16:38:57.910 My App[71245:c07] - 8 {{0, 0}, {0, 0}} 
2013-07-08 16:38:57.911 My App[71245:c07] - 9 {{0, 0}, {0, 0}} 
2013-07-08 16:38:57.911 My App[71245:c07] - 10 {{0, 0}, {0, 0}} 
2013-07-08 16:38:57.912 My App[71245:c07] - 11 {{0, 0}, {0, 0}} 
2013-07-08 16:38:57.912 My App[71245:c07] - 12 {{0, 0}, {0, 0}} 
2013-07-08 16:38:57.913 My App[71245:c07] - 13 {{0, 0}, {0, 0}} 
2013-07-08 16:38:57.913 My App[71245:c07] - 14 {{0, 0}, {0, 0}} 
2013-07-08 16:38:57.904 My App[71245:c07] - after batch update 8 {{689, 640}, {217, 326}} 
2013-07-08 16:38:57.905 My App[71245:c07] - after batch update 9 {{689, 640}, {217, 326}} 
2013-07-08 16:38:57.906 My App[71245:c07] - after batch update 10 {{2, 640}, {217, 326}} 
2013-07-08 16:38:57.906 My App[71245:c07] - after batch update 11 {{231, 640}, {217, 315}} 
2013-07-08 16:38:57.907 My App[71245:c07] - after batch update 12 {{460, 920}, {217, 326}} 
2013-07-08 16:38:57.909 My App[71245:c07] - after batch update 13 {{2, 920}, {217, 329}} 
2013-07-08 16:38:57.909 My App[71245:c07] - after batch update 14 {{231, 920}, {217, 315}} 




NSInteger numberOfCells = [self.collectionView numberOfItemsInSection:0]; 
UICollectionViewLayout *layout = self.collectionView.collectionViewLayout; 
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < numberOfCells; i++) { 
    UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *layoutAttributes = [layout layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForItem:i inSection:0]]; 
    CGRect cellFrame = layoutAttributes.frame; 
    NSLog(@"%i - %@", i, NSStringFromCGRect(cellFrame)); 

感謝它的工作 – nvl





是的,我知道,這就是爲什麼我用'[的CollectionView scrollToItemAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForItem:我切入口:0] atScrollPosition:UICollectionViewScrollPositionTop animated:NO];'向下滾動獲取不可見項。但我仍然無法得到正確的值 – nvl


Tala說的是,你永遠不會有30個UICollectionViewCell實例,因爲只有在UICollectionView內部顯示的數量(可能還有幾個)。所以如果你試圖獲得所有這些,你會得到幾倍於同一個單元格的實例。 – Raspu


我編輯了我的問題 – nvl



解決方案是在圖像捕獲方法中設置集合視圖框架以匹配整個內容大小,並調用invalidate layout,這迫使視圖調用整個視圖中所有內容的佈局屬性。我所拍攝的圖像後,我恢復了集合視圖到原來UI的尺寸,它完美地工作:

- (UIImage *)getImageOfEntireCollectionView { 

    // Store original CV frame and get content size 
    CGPoint refCVOrigin = self.collectionView.frame.origin; 
    CGSize refCVSize = self.collectionView.frame.size; 
    CGSize contentSize = [self.collectionView.collectionViewLayout collectionViewContentSize]; 

    // expand CV size to match content size and redraw it 
    self.collectionView.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, contentSize.width, contentSize.height); 
    [self.layout invalidateLayout]; 
    [self.collectionView reloadData]; 

    // capture image of CV 
    [self.collectionView.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()]; 
    UIImage *screenshot = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); 

    // restore original CV frame 
    self.collectionView.frame = CGRectMake(refCVOrigin.x, refCVOrigin.y, refCVSize.width, refCVSize.height); 

    return screenshot; 