這裏有事情,我試圖做的:蟒蛇 - 捕捉與它們的殼子進程的標準錯誤標準輸出活着
-python process captures stderr of multiple subprocesses to watch the subprocesses -each subprocess runs on the separate window displaying stdout.
當我使用POPEN(命令,標準錯誤= fp4tempfile),
(good) the python process can capture stderr of the subprocesses (bad) the subprocess shells stop displaying stdout.
(good) each subprocess shells displays stdout (as well as stderr, which does not matter for me), (bad) the python process cannot capture stderr.
我想既「好」。我能爲此做些什麼?提前致謝。 (目前,我使用python3.2在Windows7開發)
import os,subprocess
import time
fpws = []
fprs = []
def run_command(command):
<specifying a file to write -- skipped>
fpw = open(ftempname,'w')
fpr = open(ftempname,'r')
#cmd_redirect = "%s 2>%s" % (command,ftempname)#didnt do anything
#starting a sub-program:
pp = subprocess.Popen(command,stderr = fpw) #++
#pp = subprocess.Popen(command) #@@
def watch_program():
while True: #running forever for simplfication
for fpr in fprs:
outchunk = fpr.read()
<do something for subprocesses stderr -- skipped>
if __name__ == '__main__':
cmd1 = '(path to program1)'
cmd2 = '(path to program2)'
run_command(cmd1) #kicking cmd1
run_command(cmd2) #kicking cmd2
watch_program() #hearing stderr msg from the other process
編輯:沒有注意到子進程是在不同的窗口。不知道爲什麼更改stderr會對輸出到stdout的內容產生任何影響。你確定輸出消失的原因是它實際上是錯誤的嗎? – I82Much 2011-03-24 15:50:43