我無法弄清楚爲什麼我的保存回調在回調失敗時在我的摩卡測試中被調用兩次。它不會調用保存兩次,它只會觸發保存的回調,但在第二次單元測試失敗時會出現「應該」錯誤。如果我從第二次測試中拿出失敗的「應該」斷言should.exist err
class User
constructor : (@name, @email, @pwd) ->
save : (callback) ->
unless this.validate()
throw new Error('invalid data')
user =
name : @name
email : @email
pwd : @pwd
node = db.createNode user
node.save (err) ->
unless err
user.id = node.id;
node.index 'User', 'name', user.name.toLowerCase(), (err2) ->
#why is this being fired twice when an assert in the callback fail?
console.log '----------- triggering the save callback'
callback err2, user
callback err
describe "User", ->
it "should be able to save", (done) ->
user = new User("quark", "[email protected]", "profit")
user.save (err, result) ->
should.exist result
done err
#this second unit test should fail since the duplicate checking is not yet implemented
it "should not allow duplicates to be saved", (done) ->
user = new User("quark", "[email protected]", "profit")
user.save (err, result) ->
console.log err
should.exist err #this triggers the user.save callback to be fired twice
done null
◦ should be able to save: ----------- triggering the save callback
✓ should be able to save (43ms)
◦ should not allow duplicates to be saved: ----------- triggering the save callback
----------- triggering the save callback
{ name: 'AssertionError',
message: 'expected undefined to exist',
actual: undefined,
expected: undefined,
operator: undefined }
✓ should not allow duplicates to be saved
✔ 2 tests complete (69ms)
是的,它是thingdom /節點的Neo4j和should.js – MonkeyBonkey