import math #Imports the math library
def findCheckDigit():
code = input("Please enter your 7 digit code: ") #Makes a function and sets the code to a variable
d1 = int(code[0]) * 3
d2 = int(code[1]) * 1
d3 = int(code[2]) * 3
d4 = int(code[3]) * 1 #Seperates each digit and assigns it to a variable, multiplying it by 3 or 1
d5 = int(code[4]) * 3
d6 = int(code[5]) * 1
d7 = int(code[6]) * 3
dSum = d1 + d2 + d3 + d4 + d5 + d6 + d7 #Adds each digit together
dSumRounded = int(math.ceil(dSum/10.0)) * 10 #Gets the rounded up version of the sum of the digits
checkDigit = dSumRounded - dSum #Makes the check digit equal to the sum of digits taken away from the rounded up sum of digits
print("Your check digit is: " + str(checkDigit)) #Prints the check digit
我試過了,它的工作原理(33被四捨五入爲40) – BlackBear
所有的數字都加起來了,31也是40嗎? – depperm
好的,我注意到了這個問題。我嘗試了其他7位數字代碼,但它是2222222由於某種原因返回0。在某個地方似乎有問題,但我很難過。 –