2017-03-07 63 views

我使用jQuery來幻燈片和隱藏文本。 與CSS代碼波紋管隱藏文本,jQuery的意外行爲被隱藏並滑落



$(".colContainer > .mainContent:nth-child(n)").hover(function() { 
     var $sel=$(".mainContent>.imageInfo:nth-child(" +($(this).index() + 1)+")"); 

     if ($sel.is(":hidden")) { 
     } else { 


代碼, https://jsfiddle.net/Debra321/j9kkx4no/127/



我的觀察是,有2個問題:一個是$ sel.hide被誤稱爲儘管該項目已經隱藏了。二是以某種方式顯示每個文本塊的第三個項目選擇器。懸停時,console.log輸出消息。

enter image description here


這可以用CSS來 – Pankaj





它不在jQuery中工作,因爲在行var $sel = $(".mainContent>.imageInfo:nth-child(" + ($(this).index() + 1) + ")");; nth-child選擇器應該在.mainContent而不是.imageInfo


所以可以寫爲var $sel = $(".mainContent:nth-child(" + ($(this).index() + 1) + ")>.imageInfo");

(function() { 
    var dataObj = 
     "widget": { 
      "story": { 
       "subtitle": "My", 
       "maintitle": "Story", 
       "desc": "A life as a daughter, sister and programer.", 
       "image": "http://gdurl.com/USQR", 
       "spriteiconpos":"0 0", 
       "url": "#" 
     "work": { 
      "subtitle": "Working", 
      "maintitle": "Experience", 
      "desc": "Learning, Studying and Training.", 
      "image": "http://gdurl.com/USQR", 
      "imageinfo":"San Francisco", 
      "spriteiconpos":"-80px 0", 
      "url": "#" 
     "interests": { 
      "subtitle": "Personal", 
      "maintitle": "Interests", 
      "desc": "Paint life with colors of interests.", 
      "image": "http://gdurl.com/USQR", 
      "spriteiconpos":"0 -80px", 
      "url": "#" 
     "goals": { 
      "desc": "Do not just survive.", 
      "image": "http://gdurl.com/USQR", 
      "spriteiconpos":"-80px -80px", 
      "url": "#" 
    var dataObj = $.parseJSON(dataObj); 
    var dataArray = $.map(dataObj["widget"], function(value, index) { 
    return [value]; 
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    for (var i in dataArray) { 
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    htmlCode += "<div class='mainContent'>"; 
    htmlCode += "<div class='mainCol'>"; 
    htmlCode += "<h2>" + dataArray[i].subtitle + "</h2>"; 
    htmlCode += "<h1>" + dataArray[i].maintitle + "</h1>"; 
    htmlCode += "<p>" + dataArray[i].desc + "</p>"; 
    htmlCode += "</div>"; 
    htmlCode += "<i class='i-caretRight'></i>"; 
    htmlCode += "<div class='imageInfo'>" + dataArray[i].imageinfo + "</div>"; 
    htmlCode += "</div>"; 
    cssAttr = "background: url(http://gdurl.com/USQR) " + dataArray[i].spriteiconpos + " no-repeat"; 
    cssSelect = ".colContainer > .mainContent:nth-child(" + (parseInt(i) + 1) + "):before"; 
    var sheet = document.styleSheets[0]; 
    var rules = sheet.rules; 
    document.styleSheets[0].addRule(cssSelect, cssAttr, rules.length); 


    $("#phoneContent .colContainer").html(htmlCode); 
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.mainContent:hover>.imageInfo { 
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.mainContent>.mainCol { 
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.mainCol>h2 { 
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.mainCol>h1 { 
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.colContainer>.mainContent:nth-child(n) { 
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.colContainer>.mainContent:nth-child(n):hover { 
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容易得多做,謝謝!我看到使用轉換。但仍然存在一些問題:一是當鼠標滾動到底部時,最後一個項目的文本塊是可見的;二是我不知道爲什麼當我用鼠標對一個項目進行對焦時,組件會抖動。請看我的附件。 –


您可以檢查它現在 – Pankaj


非常感謝你。它看起來很好,你知道爲什麼jQuery版本不工作嗎?我好奇。 –