2015-10-06 67 views

我有一個在服務器端(Rest服務)創建的cookie。 下面是它創建的cookie休息服務:無法在服務器端(Jersey)創建的角度js獲取cookie

     public class AuthService { 

     public Response generateToken(@Context HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) { 

     //some code to get serializedJwt and xsrftoken. path is "/" and domain is "http://localhost" 

     Cookie jwtCookie = new Cookie("jwt", serializedJwt, path, domain); 
     Cookie xsrfCookie = new Cookie("X-XSRF-TOKEN", xsrfToken, path, domain); 

     NewCookie newJwtCookie = new NewCookie(jwtCookie, null, maxAge, false); 
     NewCookie newXsrfCookie = new NewCookie(xsrfCookie, null, maxAge, false); 

     return Response.status(SUCCESSFUL_REQUEST) 
     .header("SET-COOKIE", newJwtCookie.toString()+" ; HttpOnly") 
     .header("SET-COOKIE", newXsrfCookie.toString()) 


 console.log($cookies.get("X-XSRF-TOKEN")); //prints undefined 
     $cookies.put('abc',"kishore"); //just for testing purpose 
     console.log($cookies.get("abc")); //this prints kishore 
     console.log(document.cookie); //this prints "abc=kishore" 

注: 僅Http是X-XSRF-TOKEN假。


那麼您可以通過瀏覽器接收到HTTP響應頭? – Michael



問題得到解決後,我刪除域= http://localhost

Point from Stack overflow which helped: 
• By design domain names must have at least two dots otherwise browser will say they are invalid. 
• Explicit setting domain cookie on localhost doesn't work for chrome. 
• You can only set domain cookies for registry controlled domains, i.e. something ending in .com or so, but not IPs or intranet hostnames like localhost