2015-05-05 79 views

我想add some extra amount to Grand totalmagento。因此,在結帳頁面中,訂單審覈部分將如下所示:如何在Magento中使用觀察者更改總數?

enter image description here 這些額外費用將取決於一些條件。


應用程序/代碼/本地/ Locwiseship/Customprice的/ etc/config.xml中

<?xml version="1.0"?> 


     <!-- Création éventuelle du lien de parrainage lors de la commande --> 




應用程序/代碼/本地/ Locwiseship/Customprice /型號/ Observer.php

* @category Locwiseship 
* @package Locwiseship_Customprice 
class Locwiseship_Customprice_Model_Sales_Quote_Address_Total_Mytotal 
    extends Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Abstract 
    public function __construct() 

    public function collect(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address) 

     foreach ($this->_getAddressItems($address) as $item) { 
      // These two lines represent whatever logic you're 
      // using to calculate these amounts 
      $baseAmt = 10; 
      $amt = 10; 

      // Set the item's total 

      // These methods automatically take care of summing 
      // "mytotal_amount" on the quote address 
     return $this; 

    public function fetch(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address) 
     // Naturally, this exists on the quote address because "collect" ran already 
     $amt = $address->getMytotalAmount(); 

     if ($amt!=0) { 
        'code' => $this->getCode(), 
        'title' => Mage::helper('Locwiseship_Customprice')->__('My Total'), 
        'value' => $amt 
     return $this; 

應用的/ etc /模塊/ Locwiseship_Customprice.xml


這就是我所有的代碼。但沒有發生..這是行不通的.. 我使用正確的方法?我怎樣才能使這個工作?我使用Magento的1.9.0.1


http://excellencemagentoblog.com/blog/2012/01/27/magento-add-fee-discount-order-total/查看這個博客,它可能會幫助你。 –
