我使用SQLBrite當查詢方法被調用它給我回一個「無止境」可觀察監聽到數據庫變化。當一些項目被髮射 - 我需要在一個循環中做一些異步調用,並將我收到的項目給回去。示例代碼:
public Observable<List<Entity>> execute() {
return someManager.getAccount()
.take(1) // I do not need RX to trigger updates when account changed, so use take(1)
.flatMap(accountOptional -> {
if (accountOptional.isPresent()) {
SomeAccount account = accountOptional.get();
return someManager.getEntityDataSource()
.query(new EntitySpecification(account.getId()));
return Observable.just(new ArrayList<Entity>()); // No account - no entities
.flatMapIterable(entities -> entities) // Here I have a list of entities i I need to make async calls to fill entities with some iiner data (some other entities)
private Observable<Entity> loadInnerData(Entity entity) {
return do some work with entity;
麻煩的是當我使用toList() - 等待,直到可觀察到結束它的工作 - 但它不會被執行,因爲這是觀察到的聽着分貝。我怎樣才能實現傾聽的能力,不要停止聽RX的「可觀的」Observable和循環異步調用(因爲它是用loadInnerData()完成的)?