// Function to modify a student's exam scores.
void ArtStudent::modifyScore(string newName, int newIndian, int newEnglish, int newMath, int newHistory, int newMoral, int newEcon, int newCommerce, int newArt) {
map<string, tuple<int, char,int, int, int, int, int, int , int, int> > data;
// Read file and fill data map
ifstream studentRec("ArtStudentRecord.txt");
string line;
while (getline(studentRec, line))
string name;
int studentNo;
char gender;
int indian = 0;
int english = 0;
int math = 0;
int history = 0;
int moral = 0;
int economic = 0;
int commerce = 0;
int art = 0;
stringstream ss(line);
ss >> name >> studentNo >> gender >> indian >> english >> math >> history >> moral >> economic >> commerce >> art ;
data[name] = make_tuple(studentNo, gender, indian, english, math, history, moral, economic, commerce, art);
// Modify data
auto it = data.find(newName) ; // gets current student record from the map
if (it == data.end()) // student not in map, that's an error
return ;
// now it->second holds your student data
// an auto here could be better, but we want to be sure of type
auto studentNo = get<0>(it->second) ;
auto gender = get<1>(it->second) ;
// Modify Data
data[newName] = make_tuple(studentNo, gender, newIndian,newEnglish, newMath, newHistory, newMoral, newEcon, newCommerce, newArt);
// Open same file for output, overwrite existing data
ofstream ofs("ArtStudentRecord.txt");
for (auto entry = data.begin(); entry != data.end(); ++entry)
tie(studentNo, gender, newIndian,newEnglish, newMath, newHistory, newMoral, newEcon, newCommerce, newArt) = entry->second;
double average = averageScore(newIndian,newEnglish, newMath, newHistory, newMoral, newEcon, newCommerce, newArt);
char grade = getGrade(newIndian,newEnglish, newMath, newHistory, newMoral, newEcon, newCommerce, newArt, average);
ofs << left << setw(15) << entry->first << setw(15) << studentNo << setw(15) << gender << setw(15) << newIndian << setw(15) << newEnglish << setw(15) << newMath << setw(15) << newHistory << setw(15) << newMoral << setw(15) <<
newEcon << setw(15) << newCommerce << setw(15) << newArt << setw(15) << right << average << grade << endl;
double ArtStudent::averageScore(int malay, int english, int math, int history, int moral, int econ, int commerce, int art) {
double result = (malay + english + math + history + moral + econ + commerce + art)/8;
return result;
// get Grade for student
char ArtStudent::getGrade(int malay, int english, int math, int history, int moral, int econ, int commerce, int art, double avScore) {
if (malay < 60 || english < 60 || math < 60 || history < 60 || moral < 60 || econ < 60 || commerce < 60 || art < 60) {
return 'F';
if (avScore < 60) {
return 'F';
} else if (avScore > 59 && avScore < 70){
return 'D';
} else if (avScore > 69 && avScore < 80) {
return 'C';
} else if (avScore > 79 && avScore < 90) {
return 'B';
} else {
return 'A';
Batman 316536 M 33 99 22 31 44 44 55 12
確定嗎?因爲它仍然沒有顯示在記事本 – airsoftFreak
我使用記事本++,它顯示了我。嘗試其他編輯器。(雖然它也出現在普通的記事本中) – aslg
我嘗試了崇高的文字,但它仍然沒有出現。 – airsoftFreak