void * thread_proc(void * arg){ struct thread_related_data * dat_str = (struct thread_related_data *) arg; //pthread_detach(pthread_self()); pthread_mutex_lock(&(dat_str->mutex)); while(dat_str->thread_indicator == 0){ pthread_cond_wait(&(dat_str->cond),&(dat_str->mutex)); } if(dat_str->thread_indicator == 1){ // Start data processing // start processing bottom half of the mapped file and insert data into &dat_str->thread_proc_data pthread_mutex_unlock(&(dat_str->mutex)); printf ("Got conditioned\n"); int bytes = dat_str->file_size - dat_str->start_bytes; // bytes should have almost half of the length of the file in bytes, but it does not always print the value correctly in the next statement . printf(" Bytes :: %d\n", dat_str->start_bytes); // Sometimes this line gets printed twice ..dont know how !!! char *start; int i = 0; while(i <= bytes){ start = dat_str->file; while(*(dat_str->file) != '\n'){ //printf file++; } line_proc(start,static_cast(dat_str->file - start - 1),dat_str->phrase); dat_str->file++; i++; } } return NULL; } void inputFile::start_processing(common& com , searchable& phrases){ pthread_create(&thread1,NULL,thread_proc,&trd); //trd.fil_obj = this; // Set the char pointer for the thread char * temp = file; // pointer to memory mapped file temp += file_size/2; //cout.setf(std::ios::unitbuf); int bytes = temp - file; while(*temp != '\n'){ bytes++; temp++; } if(*temp == '\n'){ temp++; pthread_mutex_lock(&(trd.mutex)); trd.thread_indicator = 1; // signalling variable trd.file = temp; trd.phrase = phrases.text_to_search[0]; trd.start_bytes = bytes + 1; // the start pointer of the mapped file // for the second thread. // i.e second thread will start processing from this pointer pthread_cond_signal(&(trd.cond)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(trd.mutex)); // Now process half of the file and put the results in record vector temp--; // this thread will process upto '\n' first half of the file } }
稍微愚蠢的問題,而是'trd-> thread_indicator'初始化爲0? – Hasturkun
是的,它在類inputFile的構造函數中進行初始化,並且在構造函數本身中,我初始化了互斥鎖和條件變量。 – Arunmu
好的,只是想我會問,因爲使用未初始化的變量會使'cond_wait'被跳過。順便說一句,等待之後的if語句似乎是多餘的(除非你可以傳遞一個不是'1'的值),並且如果沒有輸入就會鎖定互斥鎖。 – Hasturkun