我剛寫了一段Haskell代碼,爲了調試我的代碼,我在代碼中放入了一堆打印語句(所以,我最重要的函數返回IO t
Stack space overflow: current size 8388608 bytes.
Use `+RTS -Ksize -RTS' to increase it.
linkCallers :: ([Int], Int, Int, I.IntDisjointSet, IntMap Int) -> ([Int], Int, Int, I.IntDisjointSet, IntMap Int)
linkCallers ([], x, y, us, im) = ([], x, y, us, im)
linkCallers ((a:b:r), x, y, us, im) = if a == b
then (r, x, y+1, us, im)
else if sameRep
then (r, x+1, y+1, us, im)
else (r, x+1, y+1, us', im')
ar = fst $ I.lookup a us
br = fst $ I.lookup b us
sameRep = case ar of
Nothing -> False
_ -> ar == br
as' = ar >>= flip lookup im
bs' = br >>= flip lookup im
totalSize = do
asize <- as'
bsize <- bs'
return $ asize + bsize
maxSize = (convertMaybe as') + (convertMaybe bs')
us' = I.union a b $ I.insert a $ I.insert b $ us
newRep = fromJust $ fst $ I.lookup a us'
newRep' = fromJust $ fst $ I.lookup b us'
im'' = case ar of
Nothing -> case br of
Nothing -> im
Just bk -> delete bk im
Just ak -> delete ak $ case br of
Nothing -> im
Just bk -> delete bk im
im' = case totalSize of
Nothing -> insert newRep maxSize im''
Just t -> insert newRep t im''
startLinkingAux' (c,x,y,us,im) = let [email protected](_,x',_,us',im') = linkCallers (c,x,y,us,im) in
case (fst $ I.lookup primeMinister us') >>= flip lookup im' >>= return . (>=990000) of
Just True -> x'
_ -> startLinkingAux' t
startLinkingAux' (c,x,y,us,im) = do
print (c,x,y,us,im)
let [email protected](_,x',_,us',im') = linkCallers (c,x,y,us,im) in
case (fst $ I.lookup primeMinister us') >>= flip lookup im' >>= return . (>=990000) of
Just True -> return x'
_ -> startLinkingAux' t
您是否在程序完成之前終止了您的程序? –
您應至少在刪除打印的位置顯示一個功能。 – Zeta
只是一個預感:嘗試強迫(評估)您用來打印它們的值,看看它是否有所作爲。 – fjh