2016-10-03 34 views

我正在嘗試使用LanguageTool Java API更正文本文件中存在的一些拼寫錯誤的單詞。通過LT wiki和https://languagetool.org/去後,我嘗試了一些示例代碼 -無法正確使用LanguageTool Java API進行拼寫檢查

JLanguageTool langTool; 
String text = "I.- Any reference _in this Section to a panicular genus or species of an anirmgl, cxccpl where the context"; 
langTool = new JLanguageTool(Language.AMERICAN_ENGLISH); 

List<RuleMatch> matches = langTool.check(text); 
for (RuleMatch match : matches) { 
      System.out.println("Potential error at line " + 
       match.getEndLine() + ", column " + 
       match.getColumn() + ": " + match.getMessage()); 
      System.out.println("Suggested correction: " + 

輸出如下 -

Potential error at line 0, column 19: Possible spelling mistake found 
Suggested correction: [Lin, Min, ain, bin, din, fin, gin, in, kin, min, pin, sin, tin, win, yin] 
Potential error at line 0, column 41: Possible spelling mistake found 
Suggested correction: [] 
Potential error at line 0, column 74: Possible spelling mistake found 
Suggested correction: [] 
Potential error at line 0, column 83: Possible spelling mistake found 
Suggested correction: [] 

預期輸出繼電器 -

Starting check in English (American)... 
1. Line 1, column 19 
Message: Possible spelling mistake found (deactivate) 
Correction: in; win; bin; pin; tin; min; Lin; din; gin; kin; yin; ain; fin; sin; IN; In; Min; PIN 
Context: I.- Any reference _in this Section to a panicular genus or sp... 
2. Line 1, column 41 
Message: Possible spelling mistake found (deactivate) 
Correction: particular; funicular 
Context: ...I.- Any reference _in this Section to a panicular genus or species of an anirmgl, cxccpl ... 
3. Line 1, column 74 
Message: Possible spelling mistake found (deactivate) 
Correction: animal 
Context: ...n to a panicular genus or species of an anirmgl, cxccpl where the context 
4. Line 1, column 83 
Message: Possible spelling mistake found (deactivate) 
Context: ...nicular genus or species of an anirmgl, cxccpl where the context 
Potential problems found: 4 (time: 171ms) 
How you can improve LanguageTool 

我從LT獨立這個輸出桌面軟件。我將其安裝文件夾及其內容與我的源代碼和API jar進行了比較,但找不到任何特別的東西使前者成爲更好的解決方案。





我使用的是舊的Languagetool jar。請使用 -





'3.5'現在是最新的,它也將在3個月內過期。所以請使用http://wiki.languagetool.org/java-api上給出的版本,我們保持該頁面更新。 (披露:我是LanguageTool的維護者) –


謝謝Daniel .. – Rana