2016-03-27 98 views




$(function() { 
    chart: { 
     type: 'column' 
    title: { 
     text: 'Stacked column chart' 
    xAxis: { 
     categories: ['Then', 'Now'] 
    yAxis: { 
     min: 0, 
     title: { 
      text: 'Total consumption' 

     stackLabels: { 
      enabled: true, 
      style: { 
       fontWeight: 'bold', 
       color: (Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.textColor) || 'gray' 
    legend: { 
     align: 'right', 
     x: -30, 
     verticalAlign: 'top', 
     y: 25, 
     floating: true, 
     backgroundColor: (Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.background2) || 'white', 
     borderColor: '#CCC', 
     borderWidth: 1, 
     shadow: false 
    tooltip: { 
     headerFormat: '<b>{point.x}</b><br/>', 
     pointFormat: '{series.name}: {point.y}<br/>Total: {point.stackTotal}' 
    plotOptions: { 
    series: { 
      events: { 
       legendItemClick: function() { 
       //if fruit/veg is clicked then add value to other fruit/veg and keep the total unchanged 
        // return false; 

     column: { 
      stacking: 'normal', 
      dataLabels: { 
       enabled: true, 
       formatter:function() { 
        return this.series.name+' '+this.point.y; 
       color: (Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.dataLabelsColor) || 'white', 
       style: { 
        textShadow: '0 0 3px black' 
    series: [{ 
     name: 'Other Fruit', 
     data: [8, 13] 
     name: 'Other Veg', 
     data: [16, 10] 
     name: 'Tomatoes', 
     data: [3, 7] 
     name: 'Cucumbers', 
     data: [5, 4] 
     name: 'Apples', 
     data: [5, 3] 
    }, { 
     name: 'Bananas', 
     data: [3, 6] 
    }, { 
     name: 'Oranges', 
     data: [3, 4] 





  • 系列應該被歸類爲水果和蔬菜,這樣我們就知道別人系列(「其他水果」或「其他素食」),以增加從/減值。
  • 當點擊圖例項目時,檢查它是水果還是蔬菜,並將值添加到其他人。
  • 再次單擊時,將其他值減去。
  • 我們不應該能夠隱藏其他系列。

    series: [{ 
        name: 'Other Fruit', 
        data: [{y:8}, {y:13}], 
        name: 'Other Veg', 
        data: [{y:16}, {y:10}] 
        name: 'Tomatoes', 
        data: [{y:3}, {y:7}], 
        fruit: false 
        name: 'Cucumbers', 
        data: [{y:5}, {y:4}], 
        fruit: false 
        name: 'Apples', 
        data: [{y:5}, {y:3}], 
        fruit: true 
        name: 'Bananas', 
        data: [{y:3}, {y:6}], 
        fruit: true 
        name: 'Oranges', 
        data: [{y:3}, {y:4}], 
        fruit: true 


    legendItemClick: function() { 
        var isFruit = this.options.fruit; 
        if(isFruit == undefined){ //property undefined for "Other fruit" and "Other Veg" 
         return false; //returning false prevents hiding the series 
        var chart = this.chart; 
        var othersSeries; 
         othersSeries = chart.series[0]; //if it's a fruit, get "Other Fruit" series 
         othersSeries = chart.series[1]; //else get "Other Veg" series 
        updateOthersData(this, othersSeries); 
    function updateOthersData(currentSeries, othersSeries){ 
        var othersData = othersSeries.options.data; 
        if(currentSeries.visible){ //add values only when the series is already visible and is to be hidden 
         othersData[0].y += currentSeries.options.data[0].y; 
         othersData[1].y += currentSeries.options.data[1].y; 
        else{ //subtract values only when data is already hidden and is to be shown 
         othersData[0].y -= currentSeries.options.data[0].y; 
         othersData[1].y -= currentSeries.options.data[1].y; 
    othersSeries.update({data:othersData}); //update the series 
