我得到一個錯誤的下面的代碼,每次我嘗試運行它與約2500萬words.it數據集說:「運行時錯誤'91':對象變量或隨着塊變量沒有設置「任何人都可以請協助。該計劃的目標是找到一個開始和結束,並刪除中間的一切。運行時錯誤與我的代碼VBA Word
Sub SomeSub()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Dim StartWord As String, EndWord As String
Dim Find1stRange As Range, FindEndRange As Range
Dim DelRange As Range, DelStartRange As Range, DelEndRange As Range
'Setting up the Ranges
Set Find1stRange = ActiveDocument.Range
Set FindEndRange = ActiveDocument.Range
Set DelRange = ActiveDocument.Range
'Set your Start and End Find words here to cleanup the script
StartWord = "From: [email protected]"
EndWord = "for malware by Websense. www.websense.com "
'Starting the Find First Word
With Find1stRange.Find
.Text = StartWord
.Replacement.Text = ""
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindAsk
.Format = False
.MatchCase = False
.MatchWholeWord = False
.MatchWildcards = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Execute the Find
Do While .Execute
'If Found then do extra script
If .Found = True Then
'Setting the Found range to the DelStartRange
Set DelStartRange = Find1stRange
'Having these Selections during testing is benificial to test your script
'Setting the FindEndRange up for the remainder of the document form the end of the StartWord
FindEndRange.Start = DelStartRange.End
FindEndRange.End = ActiveDocument.Content.End
'Having these Selections during testing is benificial to test your script
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Setting the Find to look for the End Word
With FindEndRange.Find
.Text = EndWord
'If Found then do extra script
If .Found = True Then
'Setting the Found range to the DelEndRange
Set DelEndRange = FindEndRange
'Having these Selections during testing is benificial to test your script
End If
End With
'Selecting the delete range
DelRange.Start = DelStartRange.Start
DelRange.End = DelEndRange.End
'Having these Selections during testing is benificial to test your script
'Remove comment to actually delete
End If 'Ending the If Find1stRange .Found = True
Loop 'Ending the Do While .Execute Loop
End With 'Ending the Find1stRange.Find With Statement
End Sub
我錯誤發生了什麼? –
你好,抱歉,遲到的回覆。但是我在DelRange.Select中獲得它 – jaydub