此程序的目的是使用一個二維來統計一個.TXT文件的政治民意調查結果。 輸入文件「PROG4IN.TXT」包含每個選民輪詢的一行。每行包含受歡迎的候選人的姓名和選民的年齡。 使用有兩行三列的數組,我必須按照青睞的候選人和年齡組合計算選民;三個年齡組分別是18-29,30-49和50-99。
Candidate 18-29 30-49 50-99 Total
Krook 2 4 6 12
Leyer 3 3 2 8
Krook 45
Leyer 40
Krook 76
Leyer 55
Krook 20
Krook 50
Leyer 28
Krook 30
Leyer 23
Krook 72
Krook 42
Krook 81
Leyer 64
Krook 52
Leyer 18
Leyer 34
Krook 60
Krook 26
Leyer 49
Krook 37
public class Table {
private int[][] table;
private String[] names;
public Table() {
// Create the two-dimensional tally array "table"
// having 2 rows and 3 columns. Row 0 corresponds
// to candidate Krook and row 1 to candidate Leyer.
// The columns correspond to the three age groups
// 18-29, 30-49, and 50-99. Initialize all the
// tallies to zero. Create the array "names" to
// hold the candidate names: names[0]="Krook" and
// names[1]="Leyer".
public void tally(String name, int age) {
// Add one to the tally in the "table" array that
// corresponds to the name and age passed as arguments.
// Hint: Use the equals method to determine whether
// two strings are equal: name.equals("Krook") is
// true when name is "Krook".
public void report() {
// Use nested loops to print a report in the format
// shown above. Assume that the tallies have already
// been made.