2017-08-24 76 views

無論我做什麼,在嘗試執行POSThttps://rates.tradelanes.us/bankaccount/record/create時,我總是收到500 (Internal Server Errors)。我相信它是我數據的格式,但是當我將輸出與其他人嘗試相同的東西進行比較時 - 我的數據格式是相同的;其他人沒有得到500 error,所以它必須是我的數據如何格式化。我使用API​​的唯一文檔是https://rates.tradelanes.us/bankaccount/help/api - 所以我們不需要繼續。無法正確格式化AJAX POST請求

Here is the error I'm getting.。如果你想看到一個樣本記錄的樣子:

{"Id":1,"Memo":"Sample Record","Amount":10.00,"TransactionDate":"\/Date(1503500694627)\/","Account":1,"Transaction":0} 


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     "data": "Amount" 
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    }, { 
     "data": "Account" 
    }, { 
     "data": "Transaction" 

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      alert("Record added successfully"); 
     }, true); 
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     alert("Record failed to be created"); 

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    <div id="header"> 
    <h1>Bank CRUD</h1> 
    <button type="button" class="button" id="createButton">Create record</button> 

    <div id="tableDiv"> 
    <table class="datatable" id="table_records"> 
      <th>Transaction Date</th> 

    <div class="lightbox_bg"></div> 

    <div class="lightbox_container"> 
    <div class="lightbox_close"></div> 
    <div class="lightbox_content"> 

     <h2>Create record</h2> 
     <form class="form add" id="form_create" data-id="" novalidate> 
     <div class="input_container"> 
      <label for="id">Id: </label> 
      <div class="field_container"> 
      <input type="number" id="id" min="0" class="text" name='"Id"' value="" required> 
     <div class="input_container"> 
      <label for="memo">Memo: </label> 
      <div class="field_container"> 
      <input type="text" id="memo" class="text" name='"Memo"' value="" required> 
     <div class="input_container"> 
      <label for="amount">Amount: </label> 
      <div class="field_container"> 
      <input type="number" id="amount" min="0" class="text" name='"Amount"' value="" required> 
     <div class="input_container"> 
      <label for="transactiondate">Transaction Date: </label> 
      <div class="field_container"> 
      <input type="text" id="transactiondate" class="text" name='"TransactionDate"' value="" required> 
     <div class="input_container"> 
      <label for="account">Account: </label> 
      <div class="field_container"> 
      <input type="number" id="account" min="0" class="text" name='"Account"' value="" required> 
     <div class="input_container"> 
      <label for="transaction">Transaction: </label> 
      <div class="field_container"> 
      <input type="number" id="transaction" min="0" class="text" name='"Transaction"' value="" required> 
     <div class="button_container"> 
      <button type="submit">Create record</button> 


getFormData()沒有返回JSON,它返回一個對象。 – Cruiser


我如何將它轉換爲JSON呢? – Nxt3





var req = $.ajax({ 
     url: "https://rates.tradelanes.us/bankaccount/record/create", 
     dataType: "json", 
     data: form_data, 
     type: "POST" 


let form = $('.whatever').find('form'); 



var req = $.ajax({ 
     url: "https://rates.tradelanes.us/bankaccount/record/create", 
     cache: false, 
     data: form.serialize(), 
     dataType: "application/json", 
     contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
     type: "post" 

    req.done(function(out) { 
     if (out.result == "success") { 
     table_records.api().ajax.reload(function() { 
      alert("Record added successfully"); 
     }, true); 
     } else { 
     alert("Record failed to be created"); 