2014-06-11 61 views

在GAE我想從FTP服務器下載文件,在我的本地開發環境中,它工作良好。但是,當應用程序在GAE上運行時,它會出現錯誤。任何建議?謝謝你的幫助。GAE內部服務器錯誤URLError:<urlopen錯誤ftp錯誤:[Errno 110]連接超時> - - [09/Jun/2014:08:51:00 -0700] "GET /task/updateShipStatus/ HTTP/1.1" 500 10812 - "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.114 Safari/537.36" "******.appspot.com" ms=19543 cpu_ms=2274 cpm_usd=0.001214 loading_request=1 instance=00c61b117c1ae14d753986063e6a1d8ac230349b app_engine_release=1.9.5 
    E 23:50:44.530 *get* '220 LR-Fairplay FTP Server ready...\r\n' 

    E 23:50:44.530 *resp* '220 LR-Fairplay FTP Server ready...' 

    E 23:50:44.530 *cmd* 'USER bunge2' 

    E 23:50:44.530 *put* 'USER bunge2\r\n' 

    E 23:50:44.530 *get* '331 User name okay, need password.\r\n' 

    E 23:50:44.530 *resp* '331 User name okay, need password.' 

    E 23:50:44.530 *cmd* 'PASS ********' 

    E 23:50:44.530 *put* 'PASS ********\r\n' 

    E 23:50:44.530 *get* '230 User logged in, proceed.\r\n' 
    E 23:50:44.530 *resp* '230 User logged in, proceed.' 
    E 23:50:44.530 *cmd* 'CWD ./' 
    E 23:50:44.530 *put* 'CWD ./\r\n' 
    E 23:50:44.530 *get* 
    E 23:50:59.896 Internal Server Error: /task/updateShipStatus/ 

Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "/base/data/home/runtimes/python27/python27_lib/versions/third_party/django-1.4/django/core/handlers/base.py", line 111, in get_response 

    response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs) 

    File "/base/data/home/apps/s~precise-rune-588/1.376434829982431426/googlemapapp/views.py", line 227, in updateShipStatus 

    ftp.retrbinary('RETR 201406050450_combinedpositionsdata.txt', r.write, bufsize) 

    File "/base/data/home/runtimes/python27/python27_dist/lib/python2.7/ftplib.py", line 409, in retrbinary 

    conn = self.transfercmd(cmd, rest) 

    File "/base/data/home/runtimes/python27/python27_dist/lib/python2.7/ftplib.py", line 371, in transfercmd 

    return self.ntransfercmd(cmd, rest)[0] 

    File "/base/data/home/runtimes/python27/python27_dist/lib/python2.7/ftplib.py", line 330, in ntransfercmd 

    conn = socket.create_connection((host, port), self.timeout) 

    File "/base/data/home/runtimes/python27/python27_dist/lib/python2.7/socket.py", line 569, in create_connection 

    raise err 
error: [Errno 110] Connection timed out 

    E 23:51:00.232 '250 Directory changed to /\r\n' 

    E 23:51:00.232 *resp* '250 Directory changed to /' 

    E 23:51:00.232 *cmd* 'TYPE I' 

    E 23:51:00.232 *put* 'TYPE I\r\n' 

    E 23:51:00.232 *get* '200 Type set to I.\r\n' 

    E 23:51:00.232 *resp* '200 Type set to I.' 

    E 23:51:00.232 *cmd* 'PASV' 

    E 23:51:00.232 *put* 'PASV\r\n' 

    E 23:51:00.232 *get* '227 Entering Passive Mode (216,35,233,26,7,176)\r\n' 

    E 23:51:00.232 *resp* '227 Entering Passive Mode (216,35,233,26,7,176)' 

    I 23:51:00.236 This request caused a new process to be started for your application, and thus caused your application code to be loaded for the first time. This request may thus take longer and use more CPU than a typical request for your application. 

谷歌已經確認這是一個GAE錯誤。 – user3728356





1 billing must be enabled 
2. there are strict timeouts 
3. some restrictions in destinations and ports. 
4. And if you run this from a frontend request, then you will need to do all your work inside 60 second. 
5. no inbound sockets. 

至於具體超時,需要調查。你可能被阻止。理論上PASV ftp應該可以工作,但正常的ftp不能。我沒有試過這個。
