2012-03-17 48 views

我已根據http://wiki.eclipse.org/Sequoyah/ndk_guide設置了Sequoyah。 我在NDK附帶的hello-jni示例中測試它。它在沒有調試的情況下工作正常,並且直到指南告訴你運行ndk-gdb的步驟。然而,當我試圖在Eclipse中運行的C調試部分,它說Sequoyah無法找到jni功能

(no debugging symbols found) 
(no debugging symbols found) 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
/system/bin/linker: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libc.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libstdc++.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libm.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
liblog.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libcutils.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libz.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libutils.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libbinder.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libexpat.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libcrypto.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libgabi++.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libicuuc.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libicui18n.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libssl.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libstlport.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libnativehelper.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libnetutils.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libGLESv2_dbg.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libEGL.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libwpa_client.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libhardware_legacy.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libpixelflinger.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libhardware.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libemoji.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libjpeg.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libskia.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libui.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libGLESv2.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libgui.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libcamera_client.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libsqlite.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libdvm.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libGLESv1_CM.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libETC1.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libsonivox.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libstagefright_foundation.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libmedia.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libnfc_ndef.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libusbhost.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libharfbuzz.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libbluedroid.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libdbus.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libandroid_runtime.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libvorbisidec.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libstagefright_yuv.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libdrmframework.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libchromium_net.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libstagefright_amrnb_common.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libstagefright_enc_common.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libstagefright_avc_common.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libstagefright.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libmtp.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libexif.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libmedia_jni.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libbcc.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libbcinfo.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libRS.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
librs_jni.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libandroid.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libwebcore.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libhello-jni.so: No such file or directory. 
warning: Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function. 
GDB will be unable to debug shared library initializers 
and track explicitly loaded dynamic code. 
warning: shared library handler failed to enable breakpoint 
Cannot access memory at address 0x1 
No symbol table is loaded. Use the "file" command. 
Function "Java_com_example_hellojni_HelloJni_stringFromJNI" not defined. 


Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libhello-jni.so: No such file or directory. 
warning: Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function. 
GDB will be unable to debug shared library initializers 
and track explicitly loaded dynamic code. 
warning: shared library handler failed to enable breakpoint 
Cannot access memory at address 0x1 
No symbol table is loaded. Use the "file" command. 
Function "Java_com_example_hellojni_HelloJni_stringFromJNI" not defined. 



事實證明,當我從gdb2.setup中刪除這行代碼時,它改變了行結尾。當我意外地用Visual Studio打開文件時,我注意到它,並且問我是否想規範行結束。所以我就這麼說了,用Unix LF選項