// AppDelegate.m
- (void) applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
if (!self.settingsWindow) {
self.settingsWindow = [[SettingsWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:@"SettingsWindow"];
[[Settings sharedSettings] load_settings]; // My Singleton Class where I store Settings
[self loadup_settings]; // Here I load up the settings, saved somwhere in a property list file.
- (void) loadup_settings
field_username.stringValue = [[Settings sharedSettings] username];
field_password.stringValue = [[Settings sharedSettings] password];
server_id.title = [[Settings sharedSettings] server_id];
server_language.title = [[Settings sharedSettings] server_language];
// here I set the stringValue of the fieldUserAgent. But now when I want to
// show the window, the stringValue is empty. Why is that?
self.settingsWindow.fieldUserAgent.stringValue = [[Settings sharedSettings] user_agent];
- (IBAction) openSettingsWindow:(id)sender
// show settings window on button click. but fieldUserAgent is empty :(
[self.settingsWindow showWindow:self];
確定這個工程,但stringValue的是'null'直到我點擊'openSettingsWindow',這裏則stringValue的獲取設置。初始化時沒有辦法設置它嗎? –
但是你只想在顯示窗口後顯示數據,所以這將是更好的方法 –