<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Color guessing game</title>
<body onload="do_game()">
var color = ["Black","Blue","Brown","Cyan","GoldenRod","Green","Maroon","Olive","Pink","Red"];
var target;
var finished = false;
var guess_input;
var guesses;
var randomComputerGuess;
function do_game() {
var target_index = Math.random() * 10;
target = Math.floor(target_index);
randomComputerGuess = color[target];
while(!finished) {
guess_input = prompt("I am thinking of one of these colors: \n\n" +
"Black,Blue,Brown,Cyan,GoldenRod,Green, Maroon,Olive,Pink,Red \n\n"
+ "What color am i thinking of?");
guesses +=1;
if(randomComputerGuess == guess_input){
alert("Good Job! You are correct.");
finished = true;
/*function check_guess(guess_input){
if(guess_input == color[target]){
alert("Congratulations! You have guessed the color! \n\n"
+ "It took you " + guesses + "guess(es) to finish the game! \n\n"
+ "You can see this color in the background.");
return true;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Color guessing game</title>
<body onload="do_game()">
var color = ["Black","Blue","Brown","Cyan","GoldenRod","Green","Maroon","Olive","Pink","Red"];
var target;
var finished = false;
var guess_input;
var guesses;
var randomComputerGuess;
function do_game() {
var target_index = Math.random() * 10;
target = Math.floor(target_index);
randomComputerGuess = color[target];
while(!finished) {
guess_input = prompt("I am thinking of one of these colors: \n\n" +
"Black,Blue,Brown,Cyan,GoldenRod,Green, Maroon,Olive,Pink,Red \n\n"
+ "What color am i thinking of?");
guesses +=1;
finished = check_guess();
/*if(randomComputerGuess == guess_input){
alert("Good Job! You are correct.");
finished = true;
function check_guess(guess_input){
if(color.indexOf(guess_input) == -1){
alert("Sorry, I do no not recognize your color. \n\n"
+ "Please try again.");
return false;
if(guess_input > randomComputerGuess){
alert("Sorry, your guess is not correct! \n\n"
+ "Hint: Your color is alphabetically higher than mine. \n\n"
+ "Please try again. ");
return false;
if(guess_input < randomComputerGuess){
alert("Sorry, your guess is not correct! \n\n"
+ "Hint: Your color is alphabetically lower than mine. \n\n"
+ "Please try again. ");
return false;
if(guess_input == randomComputerGuess){
alert("Congratulations! You have guessed the color! \n\n"
+ "It took you " + guesses + "guess(es) to finish the game! \n\n"
+ "You can see this color in the background.");
return true;
什麼是不工作?你有錯誤嗎?如果是這樣,錯誤是什麼?代碼中的哪個位置會出現錯誤? –
我最終破解了它。問題是我設置函數check_guess()只參數guess_input。在我將支架留空之後。一切都開始完美。謝謝@ Scott Marcus,您讓我更加努力地調試此代碼。我現在面臨的唯一挑戰是如何改變我的背景顏色以獲取我的猜測輸入是否正確,以及何時遊戲停止? – damolaview