還有更優雅(pythonic +有效)如何找到給定位置上的文字?找文字給定位置文字
FIRST_WORD = re.compile(r'^(\w+)', re.UNICODE)
LAST_WORD = re.compile(r'(\w+)$', re.UNICODE)
def _get_word(self, text, position):
Get word on given position
assert position >= 0
assert position < len(text)
# get second part of word
# slice string and get first word
match = FIRST_WORD.search(text[position:])
assert match is not None
postfix = match.group(1)
# get first part of word, can be empty
# slice text and get last word
match2 = LAST_WORD.search(text[:position])
if match2 : prefix = match2.group(1)
else : prefix = ''
return prefix + postfix
# | 21.
>>> _get_word("Hello, my name is Earl.", 21)
>>> _get_word("Hello, my name is Earl.", 20)