請參閱本plunkr, plunkr 我要的是Angularjs - 如何顯示在NG-重複對父陣列的點擊嵌套數組
angular.module('Tutorials', []).controller('getAnswers', function ($scope, $element) {
$scope.sectionNumber = 0;
$scope.tutorialNumber = 0;
$scope.questionNumber = 0;
\t $scope.sections = sections;
\t $scope.loadFromMenu = function (tut) {
\t \t \t if (tut === $scope.tutorialNumber && tut !== 0) {
\t \t \t \t return;
\t \t \t } //if clicked on already playing tut
\t \t \t if (tut !== undefined) {
\t \t \t \t $scope.tutorialNumber = tut;
\t \t \t }
\t \t \t var section = sections[$scope.sectionNumber];
\t \t \t for (var i in section.tutorials) {
\t \t \t \t section.tutorials[i].active = "inactive";
\t \t \t }
\t \t \t section.active = "active";
\t \t \t section.tutorials[$scope.tutorialNumber].active = "active";
\t \t \t $scope.$apply();
\t \t \t $scope.questionNumber = 0;
\t \t \t if ($scope.sectionNumber === 1){
\t \t \t \t conjugationController();
\t \t \t }
\t \t };
var sections = [{
active: "inactive",
name: "Reading Korean",
romanizeService: "http://www.kawa.net/works/ajax/romanize/romanize.cgi?q=%ED%96%88%EB%8B%A4?&mode=hangul",
tutorials: [{
active: "inactive",
name: "Vowels"
active: "inactive",
name: "Consonants"
active: "inactive",
name: "Simple Words"
active: "inactive",
name: "Harder Words"
\t active: "inactive",
\t name: "Conjugations",
\t tutorials: [{
\t \t active: "inactive",
\t \t name: "ㅗ and ㅏ regular",
\t \t verbs: ["작다", "놀다", "닦다"]
\t }, {
\t \t active: "inactive",
\t \t name: "ㅜ, ㅓ and ㅣ regular",
\t \t verbs: ["웃다", "울다", "멀다"]
\t }, {
\t \t active: "inactive",
\t \t name: "ㅏ and ㅓ reductive"
\t }, {
\t \t active: "inactive",
\t \t name: "ㅗ and ㅜ reductive"
\t }, {
\t \t active: "inactive",
\t \t name: "ㅣ reductive"
\t }]
}, {
\t active: "inactive",
\t name: "Sentence Building",
\t tutorials: [{
\t \t active: "inactive",
\t \t name: "Particles"
\t }, {
\t \t active: "inactive",
\t \t name: "Word Order"
\t }]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="Tutorials">
<head lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Custom Plunker</title>
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.0.3/angular.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<script src="script-ng.js"></script>
<body ng-controller="getAnswers">
<ul ng-repeat="section in sections" ng-init="sectionIndex = $index">
<li class="section_title {{section.active}}" >
<li class="tutorial_title {{tutorial.active}}" ng-click="loadFromMenu(sectionIndex)" ng-repeat="tutorial in section.tutorials">
yes該exactly.Thanks。此外還有一件事,如果你能幫助。我要默認閱讀韓國和兒童應顯示。 @ MeTe-30 – Mohammed
@Mohammed我不知道你的限制,但是向Reading Korean添加'expand:true'會解決問題,檢查更新。 –
解決了。謝謝 – Mohammed