導航到空目錄時,我收到以下有關無效索引的控制檯垃圾郵件。我得到一個稍微不同的消息,這取決於父目錄的哪一列被雙擊以進入空目錄。雙擊名稱列後,在進入空目錄後,單擊表格中的任意位置,將導致第一組垃圾(10)。如果雙擊其他列,則會發生1 1,1 2,1 3消息。QAccessibleTable :: child:使用QTableView和QFileSystemModel的空目錄中的索引無效
QAccessibleTable::child: Invalid index at: 1 0
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: QTableView(0x5651e6c1edd0) index: 11
QAccessibleTable::child: Invalid index at: 1 0
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: QTableView(0x5651e6c1edd0) index: 11
QAccessibleTable::child: Invalid index at: 1 0
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: QTableView(0x5651e6c1edd0) index: 11
QAccessibleTable::child: Invalid index at: 1 1
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: QTableView(0x5651e6c1edd0) index: 12
QAccessibleTable::child: Invalid index at: 1 1
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: QTableView(0x5651e6c1edd0) index: 12
QAccessibleTable::child: Invalid index at: 1 1
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: QTableView(0x5651e6c1edd0) index: 12
QAccessibleTable::child: Invalid index at: 1 2
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: QTableView(0x5651e6c1edd0) index: 13
QAccessibleTable::child: Invalid index at: 1 2
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: QTableView(0x5651e6c1edd0) index: 13
QAccessibleTable::child: Invalid index at: 1 2
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: QTableView(0x5651e6c1edd0) index: 13
QAccessibleTable::child: Invalid index at: 1 3
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: QTableView(0x5651e6c1edd0) index: 14
QAccessibleTable::child: Invalid index at: 1 3
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: QTableView(0x5651e6c1edd0) index: 14
QAccessibleTable::child: Invalid index at: 1 3
Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: QTableView(0x5651e6c1edd0) index: 14
此代碼似乎可以正常工作,但之前我曾經有過與此垃圾郵件相關的隨機崩潰(PyQt5 Crash with QFileSystemModel and QSortFilterProxyModel..doing something wrong?)。
import os, sys, tempfile
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets
class Widget(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()
self._view = QtWidgets.QTableView()
self._model = QtWidgets.QFileSystemModel()
self._model.setFilter(QtCore.QDir.AllDirs | QtCore.QDir.NoDot)
# Create a temporary directory structure (tmpxyz/foo) starting at the location of this file
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
self.temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=path)
print('created temporary directory', self.temp_dir.name)
foo_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir.name, 'foo')
self.parentIndex = self._model.setRootPath(foo_dir)
# self._set_view_root(self.parentIndex) # Same spam whether called here or deferred to _loaded
def _set_view_root(self, source_index):
def _loaded(self):
path = self._model.rootPath()
source_index = self._model.index(path)
print('_loaded', path, self._model.rowCount(self.parentIndex))
def _double_clicked(self, index):
info = self._model.fileInfo(index)
absolute_path = info.absoluteFilePath()
print('_double_clicked', absolute_path)
if info.isDir():
self.parentIndex = self._model.setRootPath(absolute_path)
# self._set_view_root(self.parentIndex)
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
widget = Widget()
我使用Python 3.6.1,PyQt5 == 5.8.2在Ubuntu 17.04在一個乾淨的虛擬環境中,但我得到的基礎上的Ubuntu相同的行爲與Python 3.5.3和5.7.1的PyQt 。