2014-05-11 87 views

我有這樣的代碼 一切正常尋呼機在不的tablesorter工作

<script type="text/javascript"> 

$(function() { 

    // Initialize tablesorter 
    // *********************** 
     theme: 'blue', 
     widthFixed: true, 
     sortLocaleCompare: true, // needed for accented characters in the data 
     sortList: [ [0,1] ], 
     widgets: ['zebra', 'filter'] 

    // initialize the pager plugin 
    // **************************** 

     // ********************************** 
     // Description of ALL pager options 
     // ********************************** 

     // target the pager markup - see the HTML block below 
     container: $(".pager"), 

     // use this format: "http:/mydatabase.com?page={page}&size={size}&{sortList:col}" 
     // where {page} is replaced by the page number (or use {page+1} to get a one-based index), 
     // {size} is replaced by the number of records to show, 
     // {sortList:col} adds the sortList to the url into a "col" array, and {filterList:fcol} adds 
     // the filterList to the url into an "fcol" array. 
     // So a sortList = [[2,0],[3,0]] becomes "&col[2]=0&col[3]=0" in the url 
     // and a filterList = [[2,Blue],[3,13]] becomes "&fcol[2]=Blue&fcol[3]=13" in the url 
     ajaxUrl : 'ajaxServlet?page={page}&{filterList:filter}&{sortList:column}', 

     // modify the url after all processing has been applied 
     customAjaxUrl: function(table, url) { 
      // manipulate the url string as you desire 
      // url += '&cPage=' + window.location.pathname; 
      // trigger my custom event 
      $(table).trigger('changingUrl', url); 
      // send the server the current page 
      return url; 

     // add more ajax settings here 
     // see http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings 
     ajaxObject: { 
     dataType: 'json' 

     // process ajax so that the following information is returned: 
     // [ total_rows (number), rows (array of arrays), headers (array; optional) ] 
     // example: 
     // [ 
     // 100, // total rows 
     // [ 
     //  [ "row1cell1", "row1cell2", ... "row1cellN" ], 
     //  [ "row2cell1", "row2cell2", ... "row2cellN" ], 
     //  ... 
     //  [ "rowNcell1", "rowNcell2", ... "rowNcellN" ] 
     // ], 
     // [ "header1", "header2", ... "headerN" ] // optional 
     // ] 
     // OR 
     // return [ total_rows, $rows (jQuery object; optional), headers (array; optional) ] 
     ajaxProcessing: function(data){ 
     if (data && data.hasOwnProperty('rows')) { 
      var r, row, c, d = data.rows, 
      // total number of rows (required) 
      total = data.total_rows, 
      // array of header names (optional) 
      headers = data.headers, 
      // all rows: array of arrays; each internal array has the table cell data for that row 
      rows = [], 
      // len should match pager set size (c.size) 
      len = d.length; 
      // this will depend on how the json is set up - see City0.json 
      // rows 
      for (r=0; r < len; r++) { 
      row = []; // new row array 
      // cells 
      for (c in d[r]) { 
       if (typeof(c) === "string") { 
       row.push(d[r][c]); // add each table cell data to row array 
      rows.push(row); // add new row array to rows array 
      // in version 2.10, you can optionally return $(rows) a set of table rows within a jQuery object 
      return [ total, rows, headers ]; 

     // output string - default is '{page}/{totalPages}'; possible variables: {page}, {totalPages}, {startRow}, {endRow} and {totalRows} 
     output: '{startRow} to {endRow} ({totalRows})', 

     // apply disabled classname to the pager arrows when the rows at either extreme is visible - default is true 
     updateArrows: true, 

     // starting page of the pager (zero based index) 
     page: 0, 

     // Number of visible rows - default is 10 
     size: 25, 

     // if true, the table will remain the same height no matter how many records are displayed. The space is made up by an empty 
     // table row set to a height to compensate; default is false 
     fixedHeight: false, 

     // remove rows from the table to speed up the sort of large tables. 
     // setting this to false, only hides the non-visible rows; needed if you plan to add/remove rows with the pager enabled. 
     removeRows: false, 

     // css class names of pager arrows 
     cssNext  : '.next', // next page arrow 
     cssPrev  : '.prev', // previous page arrow 
     cssFirst  : '.first', // go to first page arrow 
     cssLast  : '.last', // go to last page arrow 
     cssPageDisplay : '.pagedisplay', // location of where the "output" is displayed 
     cssPageSize : '.pagesize', // page size selector - select dropdown that sets the "size" option 
     cssErrorRow : 'tablesorter-errorRow', // error information row 

     // class added to arrows when at the extremes (i.e. prev/first arrows are "disabled" when on the first page) 
     cssDisabled : 'disabled' // Note there is no period "." in front of this class name 



<div class="content"> 
<table class="tablesorter"> 
    <td class="pager" colspan="5"> 
    <img src="tablesorter-master/addons/pager/icons/first.png" class="first"/> 
    <img src="tablesorter-master/addons/pager/icons/prev.png" class="prev"/> 
    <span class="pagedisplay"></span> <!-- this can be any element, including an input --> 
    <img src="tablesorter-master/addons/pager/icons/next.png" class="next"/> 
    <img src="tablesorter-master/addons/pager/icons/last.png" class="last"/> 
    <select class="pagesize"> 
     <option selected="selected" value="10">10</option> 
     <option value="20">20</option> 
     <option value="30">30</option> 
     <option value="40">40</option> 
    <td class="pager" colspan="5"> 
    <img src="tablesorter-master/addons/pager/icons/first.png" class="first"/> 
    <img src="tablesorter-master/addons/pager/icons/prev.png" class="prev"/> 
    <span class="pagedisplay"></span> <!-- this can be any element, including an input --> 
    <img src="tablesorter-master/addons/pager/icons/next.png" class="next"/> 
    <img src="tablesorter-master/addons/pager/icons/last.png" class="last"/> 
    <select class="pagesize"> 
     <option selected="selected" value="10">10</option> 
     <option value="20">20</option> 
     <option value="30">30</option> 
     <option value="40">40</option> 
<tbody> <!-- tbody will be loaded via JSON --> 

所有記錄都顯示在表! 我的問題是,我的所有記錄只顯示在一個網站(在這個例子中是200條記錄),所以尋呼機和過濾器不工作。 我能做些什麼來解決這個問題?



你可以打開控制檯(在瀏覽器中按F12),看看是否有任何JavaScript錯誤。另外,你使用的是pager ajax?或者表中是否包含所有行? – Mottie


嗨@Mottie我使用pager ajax。 Firefox的螢火蟲控制檯中沒有錯誤代碼 – user3625342



只是爲了確認,因爲上面的代碼並不表明jQuery和的tablesorter裝載 - 除非你分別裝載它們,你需要使用script標籤加載它們。