import shapeless._
import shapeless.UnaryTCConstraint._
def method[L <: HList : *->*[Seq]#λ](list: L) = println("checks")
val multipleTypes = "abc" :: 1 :: 5.5 :: HNil
val onlyLists = Seq("abc") :: Seq(1) :: Seq(5.5) :: HNil
method(multipleTypes) // throws could not find implicit value ...
method(onlyList) // prints checks
def method2[L <: HList : *->*[Seq]#λ, M <: HList](list: L)(builder: M => String) = println("checks")
但是,由於HList M的大小必須與HList L a相同ND只包含在內類型HList L的元素讓我舉一個例子:
// This should work
method2(Seq("abc") :: Seq(1) :: Seq(5.5) :: HNil){
case a :: 1 :: d :: HNil => "works"
// This should throw some error at compile time, because the second element is Seq[Int]
// therefore in the builder function I would like the second element to be of type Int.
method2(Seq("abc") :: Seq(1) :: Seq(5.5) :: HNil){
case a :: true :: d :: HNil => "fails"
// This should also fail because the HLists are not of the same length.
method2(Seq("abc") :: Seq(1) :: Seq(5.5) :: HNil){
case 1 :: d :: HNil => "fails"
def method2[L <: HList : *->*[Seq]#λ](list: L)(builder: L => String) = println("checks")
它幾乎解決了這個問題,唯一的事情,缺少的是建設者將具有類型Seq [T]而不是類型T的元素的元素。
應該用什麼方法2的'結果(SEQ(「ABC」,「DEF」):: SEQ(1, 2,3):: Seq(5.5):: HNil){case a :: b :: c :: HNil => a.toString + b.toString + c.toString}'? – Kolmar
它應該工作,因爲HList的大小相同,並且您對a,b和c的類型沒有限制,所以它們應該被正確地推斷爲'String','Int'和'Double'。 –