是否可以在使用Maven的Java(多模塊)項目上運行Marginalia?Marginalia/Docco/etc for Java Maven項目?
對我來說重要的是能夠將它作爲一個公共Maven存儲庫的依賴項添加並直接使用它,而不需要爲Docco安裝任何額外的東西,比如Node.js - 這是合理的,因爲它是一個合理的Java項目。
是否可以在使用Maven的Java(多模塊)項目上運行Marginalia?Marginalia/Docco/etc for Java Maven項目?
對我來說重要的是能夠將它作爲一個公共Maven存儲庫的依賴項添加並直接使用它,而不需要爲Docco安裝任何額外的東西,比如Node.js - 這是合理的,因爲它是一個合理的Java項目。
如果人們仍然在尋找替代編程文檔生成器到javadoc。我曾嘗試過Atlassian Docco,但生成的文檔不太吸引人,也不可讀。然後發現Groc。截至目前比前者好得多。 Groc旨在支持Literate Programming。試一試。看起來像Groc不包含Maven的依賴關係
* Output and Input
* ----------------
* For more control over the execution we'll use a `ProcBuilder` instance to configure
* the process.
* The run method builds and spawns the actual process and blocks until the process exits.
* The process takes care of writing the output to a stream, as opposed to the standard
* facilities in the JDK that expect the client to actively consume the
* output from an input stream:
public void testOutputToStream() {
ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
new ProcBuilder("echo")
.withArg("Hello World!")
assertEquals("Hello World!\n", output.toString());
Output and Input
For more control over the execution we'll use a `ProcBuilder` instance to configure
the process.
The run method builds and spawns the actual process and blocks until the process exits.
The process takes care of writing the output to a stream, as opposed to the standard
facilities in the JDK that expect the client to actively consume the
output from an input stream:
~~~ .java
ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
new ProcBuilder("echo")
.withArg("Hello World!")
assertEquals("Hello World!\n", output.toString());
對於一個完整的例子參考jproc項目的README.md這已從acceptance test suite生成。