2013-05-11 149 views

我有一個解析頁面的23頁並獲取目錄名稱的腳本,但連接重置並超時。是因爲這個嵌套foreachloop for for循環嗎?For循環嵌套的Foreach循環問題


header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); // this just makes sure encoding is  right 
include('simple_html_dom.php'); // the parser library 

// you were trying to parse the wrong link.. your previous link did not have <div> tag with commentText class .. I chose a random link.. choose link for whichever professor you like or grab the links of professor from previous page store it in an array and loopr through them to get comments 
for($i; $i < 23;$i++){ 
$html = file_get_html("http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/SelectTeacher.jsp?sid=834&pageNo=$i"); // the url for the teacher rating profile 

//your div tag has class "comment" not "commentText" 
foreach($html->find("div[class=profName]") as $content){ 
echo $content->plaintext; 
echo "<br >"; 


將set_time_limit(0)用於循環 – 2013-05-11 04:27:37


如果連續23次請求,那麼可能會使您的IP被黑掉。 – 2013-05-11 04:30:17


你建議我做什麼來檢索這些記錄? – Squirtle 2013-05-11 04:32:30



我建議你使用YQL, 這是相當快,並會阻止你的IP從得到列入黑名單...

與PHP中使用它很簡單 - look here
