2012-12-03 89 views



換行符是需要的。理想情況下,它將使用jQuery和IE7 +,但是,IE7的願望可能需要改變。




這是非常複雜的。從一個複雜的框架開始:http://www.sencha.com/products/extjs/examples/另外,IE7的使用率低於1%,但最終可能會增加20%的成本。 –


@Diodeus。我擔心它會非常複雜。如果它支持IE9 +會不會更復雜?我可以輕鬆地爲舊版瀏覽器創建功能更強的用戶友好版本。 – user1032531




我的目標是下降的文本元素在我的文字區域,在兩行文本中間但卻向哪裏會被丟棄的指標。我相信它對你有用! ;)

$(document).ready(function() { 

    var lineHeight = parseInt($('#textarea').css('line-height').replace('px','')); 
    var previousLineNo = 0; 
    var content = $('#textarea').val(); 
    var linesArray = content.length > 0 ? content.split('\n') : []; 
    var lineNo = 0; 
    var emptyLineAdded = false; 

     revert: function(is_valid_drop) { 
      if (!is_valid_drop) { 

       return true; 
     drag: function(event, ui) { 
      lineNo = getLineNo(ui, lineHeight); 

      if (linesArray.length > 0 && previousLineNo != lineNo) { 
       insertWhiteLine(lineNo, linesArray); 

      previousLineNo = lineNo; 

     accept: ".draggable", 
     drop: function(event, ui) { 
      appendAtLine(lineNo, linesArray, ui.draggable.text()); 
      content = $('#textarea').val(); 
      linesArray = content.split('\n'); 

      if (linesArray[linesArray.length - 1] == '') 
       linesArray.pop(); //remove empty line 

    $('#textarea').on('input', function() { 
     if (!emptyLineAdded) { 
      console.log('input !'); 
      content = $('#textarea').val(); 
      linesArray = content.split('\n'); 

      if (linesArray[linesArray.length - 1] == '') 
       linesArray.pop(); //remove empty line 


//Returns the top position of a draggable element, 
//relative to the textarea. (0 means at the very top of the textarea) 
function getYPosition(element, lineHeight) { 
    var participantIndex = $(element.helper.context).index(); 
    var initPos = participantIndex * lineHeight; 
    var actualPos = initPos + element.position.top; 

    return actualPos; 

//Returns the line number corresponding to where the element 
//would be dropped 
function getLineNo(element, lineHeight) { 
    return Math.round(getYPosition(element, lineHeight)/lineHeight); 

//Inserts a white line at the given line number, 
//to show where the element would be dropped in the textarea 
function insertWhiteLine(lineNo, linesArray) { 
    $(linesArray).each(function(index, value) { 
     if (index < lineNo) 
      $('#textarea').val($('#textarea').val() + value + '\n'); 

    emptyLineAdded = true; 
    $('#textarea').val($('#textarea').val() + '_____________\n'); //white line 
    emptyLineAdded = false; 

    $(linesArray).each(function(index, value) { 
     if (index >= lineNo) 
      $('#textarea').val($('#textarea').val() + value + '\n'); 

//Inserts content of draggable at the given line number 
function appendAtLine(lineNo, linesArray, content) { 
    $(linesArray).each(function(index, value) { 
     if (index < lineNo) 
      $('#textarea').val($('#textarea').val() + value + '\n'); 

    $('#textarea').val($('#textarea').val() + content + '\n'); //content to be added 

    $(linesArray).each(function(index, value) { 
     if (index >= lineNo) 
      $('#textarea').val($('#textarea').val() + value + '\n'); 

你能顯示完整的代碼嗎?包括html?謝謝 – Marcel


不,我沒有代碼了......但代碼說明了自己,你不應該很難理解它是如何工作的...... –