謝謝所有幫我弄清楚發生了什麼的人。如何讓Do-While Loop在基於網絡的PowerShell腳本中工作?
#Get the location of this script
$ScriptPath = (Split-Path $Myinvocation.MyCommand.path -Parent)
$TemPath = "$ScriptPath\_Template"
$NewTemPath = "$ScriptPath\_New_TEMPLATE"
$EarNotchPath = "$ScriptPath\EarNocthes"
$BoarPath = "$ScriptPath\_Boar_Samples"
$SowPath = "$ScriptPath\_Sow_Samples"
$GiltPath = "$ScriptPath\_Gilt_Samples"
$BarrowPath = "$ScriptPath\_Barrow_Samples"
$LittersPath = "$ScriptPath\_Litters_Samples"
Do {
#Create variables and collect information from user of script.
$CUST= Read-Host 'Enter Customer Name '
$BoarPath= Read-Host 'Enter Selected Boar Name (example: WildHog)'
$SowPath= Read-Host 'Enter Selected Sow Name (example: TrueBlue)'
$HogBreeds= Read-Host 'Enter Hereford, Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc, China_Poland'
#@Error Check $HogBreeds
If ('Hereford', 'Yorkshire', 'Hampshire', 'Duroc', 'China_Poland' -cnotcontains $HogBreeds){
If ('Hereford', 'Yorkshire', 'Hampshire', 'Duroc', 'China_Poland' -contains $HogBreeds){
$TextInfo = (Get-Culture).TextInfo
Switch ($HogBreeds) {
{$_ -in 'Hereford','Yorkshire','Duroc'} { $HogBreeds = $HogBreeds.ToUpper() }
'CHINA_Poland' { $HogBreeds = $HogBreeds.Substring(0,7).ToUpper() + $HogBreeds.Substring(7,5).ToLower() }
$Restart = 'StopDoLoop'
} Else {
Write-Warning 'You didnt enter one of: Hereford, Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc, China_Poland or Your response was not recongized.'
$ANSWER = Read-Host 'Do you want to start over (Yes/No) - type Yes or No'
If ($ANSWER -eq 'Yes') { $Restart = 'StopDoLoop'}
If ($ANSWER -eq 'No') { Exit }
} Until ($Restart -eq 'StopDoLoop')
如果我運行這段代碼使用Windows PowerShell ISE Administrator的 'DO-雖然' 循環,沒有任何問題執行。但是,如果我只需右鍵單擊在PowerShell非ISE中打開的Do-While.ps1腳本,「Do-While」循環將重複並且永不中斷。是什麼賦予了?
您是否看到過改進代碼的方法?我也想知道如何在$ Answer變量中添加一個字符串長度檢查,我完全承認除了與朋友的對話外,我還沒有研究過這個問題。
定義了$ EMVType嗎?這將是一個大問題,因爲它在你的腳本中看起來是空的。您的ISE會話範圍可能會定義它,但您的腳本當然不會。 – Matt
@Matt,這是一個錯字。 – Underdog
這是一個錯字:「-cnotcontains」? – rrirower