2013-04-23 66 views

我正在使用WAMP,最近我一直在處理擴展名爲.aspx的文件。 我試圖安裝WAMP的模塊:mod_aspdotnet但後來我發現了一個錯誤:WAMP上的ASPX(asp.net)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\apache2\ is not a valid path to an installed instance of apache.




mod_aspdotnet is a module for Apache HTTP Server 2.0.44 or later, running on Windows, Windows NT Service Pack 6 or later (including 2000, 2003, XP and Vista) with the .NET Framework 1.1 (or 1.0), including Microsoft's ASP.NET hosting framework.

It was originally developed by Covalent Technologies, lived for a time at the Apache Software Foundation and is now maintained by the mod-aspdotnet project hosted on SourceForge and sponsored by Covalent Technologies. It is not known to work on non-Windows platforms, with *earlier versions of Apache, or 2.0 and later versions of the .NET framework. Consult the project's pages for more details.



嗯..我有Windows 7專業版64位,我已經安裝了.NET Framework 1.1和我仍然得到這個錯誤 – user2250871 2013-04-23 08:37:26