刪除的SerialPort導致此消息在調試版本:Qt的錯誤與QSerialPort在多線程代碼:QCoreApplication ::的SendEvent:「無法將事件發送到一個不同的線程擁有的對象
ASSERT失敗QCoreApplication ::的SendEvent:」不能將事件發送給不同線程擁有的對象。當前線程c0a528。接收器「」(QSerialPort「型」)螺紋c76850" ,文件內核\ qcoreapplication.cpp創建,線532
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
runnerThread=new QThread(this);
/* - connect thread start signal to qrunnerthread's runLoop()
this starts the main job loop
- connect thread finished signal to mainwindows' deleteLater
to ensure proper deletion */
qDataReader = new QDataReader();
connect(runnerThread, SIGNAL(started()), qRunnerThread, SLOT(runLoop()));
connect(runnerThread, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(deleteLater()));
//slot that runs when thread is started
void QDataReader::runLoop() {
/* this code runs in different thread than QDataReader */
//serialPort parent will be QThread (runnerThread)
serialReader=new QSerialReader(this);
while(doStuff) {
QString data=serialReader.readData();
emit dataReceived(data);
QDataReader::~QDataReader() {
delete runner;
QSerialReader::QSerialReader(QObject* parent) {
//serialPort parent will be QSerialReader
serialPort = new QSerialPort(this);
QSerialReader::~QSerialReader() {
deleting serialPort causes this message in debug builds:
ASSERT failure in QCoreApplication::sendEvent: "Cannot send events to objects owned by a different thread. Current thread c0a528. Receiver '' (of type 'QSerialPort') was created in thread c76850", file kernel\qcoreapplication.cpp, line 532
delete serialPort;
的QObject:無法創建爲一位父母的孩子在不同的線程中。 (父爲QSerialPort(0xdf6930),父線程爲QThread(0xd8a528),當前線程爲QThread(0xdf6850) QObject:無法爲處於不同線程的父級創建子級 線程的QThread(0xd8a528),當前線程的QThread(0xdf6850)
QSerialPort ::打開(XX)被稱爲內部serialReader.readData();
stack trace when CSerialReader::openPort is called. this calls QSerialPort::open. Clearly this is run in other thread than main.
0 CSerialReader::openPort serialreader.cpp 480 0xff7211
1 CSerialReader::readData serialreader.cpp 209 0xff4e1d
2 QDataReader::runLoop qdatareader.cpp 138 0xffa3fe
3 QDataReader::qt_static_metacall moc_qdatareader.cpp 62 0x1040824
4 QMetaObject::activate qobject.cpp 3539 0x669b0e14
5 QThread::started moc_qthread.cpp 113 0x66a29979
6 QThreadPrivate::start qthread_win.cpp 345 0x66816918
7 _callthreadstartex threadex.c 314 0xf71a293
8 _threadstartex threadex.c 297 0xf71a224
9 BaseThreadInitThunk kernel32 0x74cd3677
10 __RtlUserThreadStart ntdll32 0x76f9c002
11 _RtlUserThreadStart ntdll32 0x76f9bfd5
0 CSerialReader::CSerialReader Runner.cpp 48 0x9d3d14
1 QDataReader::QDataReader qdatareader.cpp 10 0x9d8fa4
2 MainWindow::MainWindow mainwindow.cpp 72 0x9c61eb
3 main main.cpp 105 0x9c4adc
4 WinMain qtmain_win.cpp 131 0xa273ba
5 __tmainCRTStartup crtexe.c 547 0xa269e0
6 WinMainCRTStartup crtexe.c 371 0xa2676f
7 BaseThreadInitThunk kernel32 0x74cd3677
8 __RtlUserThreadStart ntdll32 0x76f9c002
9 _RtlUserThreadStart ntdll32 0x76f9bfd5
感謝您的回覆!我會稍後再嘗試。但runLoop()在runnerThread親和性中運行,對吧?所以'this'是一個指向runnerThread的指針。那裏沒問題我認爲 –
peppe:我試過了,但現在又出現了另一個錯誤。檢查原始帖子。我添加了關於這個的信息。 –
你可以在打印該警告的語句(在Qt內)上放置一個斷點,然後查看堆棧跟蹤? – peppe