2017-03-08 108 views

我有兩個數據框具有相同的列名。我想在多個數據框的2列中替換某個表達式。所以我寫了下面的代碼:具有多個列和數據幀的函數gsub R

dat <- data.frame(n = 1:19, des = c("Some very long text", "Some very lang test", "Some vary long text", "Some veri long text", "Another very long text", "Anather very long text", "Another very long text", "Different text", "Diferent text", "More text", "More test", "Much more text", "Muh more text", "Some other long text", "Some otoher long text", "Some more text", "Same more text", "New text", "New texd"), x = c("other text", "bad text", "wrong text", "very bad text", "very nice text","text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text")) 

dat1 <- data.frame(n = 1:5, des = c("very Some long text", "text Some very long", "Some very long text", "long text Some very", "very long Some text"), x = c("crazy text", "very crazy text", "boring text", "very exciting text","ext")) 

repla <- function(dat){ 
vari <- c(which(names(dat) == "x"),which(names(dat) == "des")) 
    for (i in vari){ 
    dat[,i] <<- gsub("very", "0", dat[,i]) 





repla <- function(dat){ 
vari <- c(which(names(dat) == "x"),which(names(dat) == "des")) 
    for (i in vari) { 
     # don't use the parent scope assignment operator here 
     # instead, just modify the local variable 
     dat[,i] <- gsub("very", "0", dat[,i]) 

    # return modified data frame to the caller 


dat1 <- repla(dat1) 


> dat1 
    n    des    x 
1 1 0 Some long text  crazy text 
2 2 text Some 0 long 0 crazy text 
3 3 Some 0 long text  boring text 
4 4 long text Some 0 0 exciting text 
5 5 0 long Some text    ext 