2015-02-08 84 views



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         <h4>22 november</h4> 
         <p>Maecenas sed enim iaculis.</p> 
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         <h4>8 december</h4> 
         <p>Quisque hendrerit.</p> 
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         <h4>Maurice Draait Weer</h4> 
         <p>Donec quis semper magna. Vivamus pellentesque tempor tincidunt.</p> 
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         <h4>Maurice Draait Weer</h4> 
         <p>Donec quis semper magna. Vivamus pellentesque tempor tincidunt.</p> 
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         <h4>Maurice Draait Weer</h4> 
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         <h4>Maurice Draait Weer</h4> 
         <p>Donec quis semper magna. Vivamus pellentesque tempor tincidunt.</p> 
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         <h4>Maurice Draait Weer</h4> 
         <p>Donec quis semper magna. Vivamus pellentesque tempor tincidunt.</p> 
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         <h4>Maurice Draait Weer</h4> 
         <p>Donec quis semper magna. Vivamus pellentesque tempor tincidunt.</p> 
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         <h4>Headline 4</h4> 
         <p>Donec quis semper magna.</p> 
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         <h4>Headline 4</h4> 
         <p>Donec quis semper magna.</p> 
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// Update current item class 
function setActiveListElements(event){ 
    var windowPos = $(window).scrollTop(); 

    $('#primary-navwrapper li a[href^="#"]').each(function() { 
     var currentLink = $(this); 
     var refElement = $(currentLink.attr("href")); 

     if (refElement.position() <= windowPos && refElement.position().top + refElement.height() > windowPos) { 
      $('#primary-navwrapper li a').removeClass("current"); 

// Update menu item on scroll 
$(window).scroll(function() { 
     // Call function 


的問題,這段代碼是我收到的錯誤:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'top' of undefined



沒有你的HTML這很難。然而'position()'在某處返回undefined。 – Mouser 2015-02-08 13:36:17


查看更新的問題。 – Caspert 2015-02-08 13:38:33


我真的希望那些不是手動評論。 – Nit 2015-02-08 13:41:13




// The id of the section we want to go to. 
    var anchorId = $(this).attr("href"); 

    // Our scroll target : the top position of the 
    // section that has the id referenced by our href. 
    if (anchorId.length > 1 && $(anchorId)) 
    var target = $(anchorId).offset().top - offset; 
    var target = 0; 



實際上是同一類型的答案適用於突出問題。它選擇帶有home導航按鈕的文檔,因爲它沒有鏈接到節元素。 jQuery不會返回有效的選擇,並且position()將會失敗。

function setActiveListElements(event){ 
    var windowPos = $(window).scrollTop(); 
    $('#primary-navwrapper li a[href^="#"]').each(function() { 

     var currentLink = $(this); 
     if ($(currentLink.attr("href")).length > 0) 
      var refElement = $(currentLink.attr("href")); 
      if (refElement.position().top <= windowPos && (refElement.position().top + refElement.height() + $("#primary-navwrapper").height()) > windowPos) { 
       $('#primary-navwrapper li a').removeClass("current"); 




導航鏈接已生效。只有問題是它不會更新突出顯示的類...因此,上面的代碼對於此帖不是必需的。 – Caspert 2015-02-08 13:57:47


@Caspert好,如果我點擊主頁按鈕我得到了'未捕獲的TypeError:無法讀取undefined的屬性'頂部'。' – Mouser 2015-02-08 13:58:38


哦,我明白了。對不正確的評論抱歉!也許你也有突出顯示的菜單項的解決方案? – Caspert 2015-02-08 14:00:27
