注:我試圖增加'$ memoryNeeded> = 10000000'到'7700000000',但仍然沒有喜悅。
if (!$error && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['galleryFile']['tmp_name'])) {
$format = strtolower(substr(strrchr($_FILES['galleryFile']['name'],"."),1));
$str = strtolower(trim($_FILES['galleryFile']['name']));
$str = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9-]/', '-', $str);
$str = preg_replace('/-+/', "-", $str);
foreach ($allowedImgFormats as $key => $value) {
$value==$format ? $imgFormatOK='1' : NULL;
$imgFormatOK=='0' ? $error='You are attempting to upload an image with an invalid format!<br />Please only upload images with ".gif", ".jpg" or ".jpeg" extensions.' : NULL;
if (!$error && move_uploaded_file($_FILES['galleryFile']['tmp_name'], $uploadGallery)){
$galleryW='944'; $galleryH='733';
$galleryInfo = getimagesize($uploadGallery);
$memoryNeeded = Round(($galleryInfo[0] * $galleryInfo[1] * $galleryInfo['bits'] * $galleryInfo['channels']/8 + Pow(2, 16)) * 1.65);
if ($memoryNeeded>=10000000) {
unlink($uploadGallery); $error='The chosen image is too large to process.<br />Please upload a smaller image (lower dimensions and/or resolution).';
} else {
list($wOrig, $hOrig) = getimagesize($uploadGallery);
$ratio_orig = $wOrig/$hOrig;
if ($wOrig > $galleryW) { $galleryW = $galleryH*$ratio_orig; $galleryH = $galleryW/$ratio_orig; } else { $galleryW=$wOrig; $galleryH=$hOrig; }
if ($galleryH > $galleryH) { $galleryH = $galleryW*$ratio_orig; $galleryW = $galleryH/$ratio_orig; }
$galleryP = imagecreatetruecolor($galleryW, $galleryH);
switch($format) {
case 'gif' : $thisGallery = imagecreatefromgif($uploadGallery); break;
case 'jpg' : $thisGallery = imagecreatefromjpeg($uploadGallery); break;
imagecopyresampled($galleryP, $thisGallery, 0, 0, 0, 0, $galleryW, $galleryH, $wOrig, $hOrig);
switch($format) {
case 'gif' : $createGallery=imagegif($galleryP, $galleryFileDir.$filename, 88); break;
case 'jpg' : $createGallery=imagejpeg($galleryP, $galleryFileDir.$filename, 88); break;
imagedestroy($galleryP); imagedestroy($thisGallery); unlink($uploadGallery);
if (!$createGallery) {
$error='The chosen image failed to transfer correctly.<br />Please try again, or attempt to upload an alternative image.';
file_exists($galleryFileDir.'/'.$filename) ? unlink($galleryFileDir.'/'.$filename) : NULL;
} else {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO isgallery(imagename, assoc_object) VALUES('".$_POST['imagename']."', '".$_POST['id']."')");
} else {
!$error ? $error='The chosen image failed to upload correctly.<br />Please try again, or attempt to upload an alternative image.' : NULL;
file_exists($uploadGallery) ? unlink($uploadGallery) : NULL;
請*總是,總是*引用您收到的錯誤消息。這很可能是內存問題,在這種情況下,這是一個很好的重複:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1722352/php-memory-error-when-resizing-a-png-image – 2010-09-09 16:33:45
嚴正,任何錯誤信息會好的?這是最有可能的,當你用GD處理圖像時內存不足.. – halfdan 2010-09-09 16:34:29
[mysql_real_escape_string()](http://php.net/mysql_real_escape_string)*咳嗽*('mysql_query(「INSERT INTO isgallery(imagename,assoc_object) VALUES(''。$ _ POST ['imagename']。'','「。$ _ POST ['id']。」')「);') – Lekensteyn 2010-09-09 16:36:10