的第二個問題是,當點擊縮略圖時,內容區域不能向外膨脹到它的適當的寬度,這是內容區域其寬度的+ 75%的當前寬度一次。當單擊第二個縮略圖時,此問題消失。在Firefox和IE8中可以看到正確的內容區域擴展行爲。
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#thumb-wrap a').children().not('img').hide();//hide image captions
var moveIt = $('#thumb-wrap').outerWidth(); //Get the width of the thumb-wrap div
$('#thumb-wrap a').click(function(){
var $big = $(this).index(); //get 0-based index of the thumb that was just clicked
$('#ajax-content > h1').hide();//hide the page title
$('#thumb-wrap').hide(); //hide the thumbnails
$(this).children().not('img').clone().appendTo($('#gallery-wrap')).wrapAll('<div class="article"/>').delay(600).fadeIn(); //Clone the image captions and wrap them in an article
$('#back').fadeIn(500); //make the back button appear
$('#full-wrap img').eq($big).siblings().hide(); //Hide all fullsized images that don't match the index of the clicked thumb
$('#full-wrap img').eq($big).show(); //reveal fullsized image that does match the index of the clicked thumbnail
$('#content').animate({'maxWidth': '+=' + moveIt * 0.5 + 'px', 'left': '6%'}, 'slow');
$('#full-wrap').show(100).animate({ 'right': '+=' + moveIt * 0.75 + 'px'}, 'slow'); //slide out by a distance equal to the width of thumb-wrap.
$(this).fadeOut();//hide the back button
$('.article').remove();//remove the article div
$('#full-wrap').animate({'right': '0', 'opacity' : 'toggle'}, 400);//hide the fullsize image div
$('#content').animate({'maxWidth': moveIt, 'left' : '43%'}, 400);
$('#thumb-wrap').delay(500).fadeIn(500);//reveal the thumbnails
$('#ajax-content > h1').delay(500).fadeIn(100);//show the page title
$(document).ready(function() {
moveIt = $('#content').outerWidth();
$('#content').delegate('a', 'click', function(e) {
var currl = $('#content').offset();
if(currl.left > 300){
$('#content').animate({'maxWidth': '+=' + moveIt/2 + 'px', 'left': '6%'}, 'slow');
$('#content').animate({'maxWidth': '-=' + moveIt/2 + 'px', 'left' : '43%'}, 400);
e.preventDefault(); //Hyperlink won't load page link.
也,在#拇指包你的鏈接,你應該總是使用A HREF屬性,甚至設置爲「#」,並且你應該使用float:left來使你的馬賽克工作;) – skiplecariboo 2011-03-25 18:42:16
..我不知道縮略圖如何在FF/IE中正確渲染而沒有浮動。我猜#thumb-wrap寬度足以將它們放入這些瀏覽器的行中,而不是在Safari中。那是固定的,但即使使用'$(window).load(function()',動畫仍然不起作用。初始擴展寬度是錯誤的。 – qp2wd 2011-03-25 18:50:23