void getMatches(IpVec &ipts1, IpVec &ipts2, IpPairVec &matches, float ratio) {
float dist, d1, d2;
Ipoint *match;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ipts1.size(); i++) {
d1 = d2 = FLT_MAX;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < ipts2.size(); j++) {
dist = ipts1[i] - ipts2[j];
if (dist < d1) // if this feature matches better than current best
d2 = d1;
d1 = dist;
match = &ipts2[j];
} else if (dist < d2) // this feature matches better than second best
d2 = dist;
// If match has a d1:d2 ratio < 0.65 ipoints are a match
if (d1/d2 < ratio) {
// Store the change in position
ipts1[i].dx = match->x - ipts1[i].x;
ipts1[i].dy = match->y - ipts1[i].y;
matches.push_back(std::make_pair(ipts1[i], *match));
class Ipoint {
//! Destructor
~Ipoint() {
//! Constructor
Ipoint() : orientation(0) {
//! Gets the distance in descriptor space between Ipoints
float operator-(const Ipoint &rhs) {
float sum = 0.f;
for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {
//std::cout << i << "\n";
try {
sum += (this->descriptor[i] - rhs.descriptor[i])*(this->descriptor[i] - rhs.descriptor[i]);
} catch (char *str) {
std::cout << "Caught some other exception: " << str << "\n";
return sqrt(sum);
//! Coordinates of the detected interest point
float x, y;
//! Detected scale
float scale;
//! Orientation measured anti-clockwise from +ve x-axis
float orientation;
//! Sign of laplacian for fast matching purposes
int laplacian;
//! Vector of descriptor components
float descriptor[64];
//! Placeholds for point motion (can be used for frame to frame motion analysis)
float dx, dy;
//! Used to store cluster index
int clusterIndex;
- 這是最近鄰居算法嗎?看起來func正在搜索每個點的最近點。
- 我可以使用Quadtree或kd-tree來做同樣的事嗎?
- 有一個更好的算法來比較圖像點,並知道它們是否相同或相似?
- 優先我想將它們存儲到mysql中,並構建一個kd-tree來比較所有圖像中的1張圖像,這可能嗎?
- RANSAC對於此任務中的任何內容都很有用?
- 有什麼方法可以捕獲誤報?
我投票給您最後的評論,沒有必要和時間回答。 – Wiliam
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5962131/c-application-collapsing-after-some-hours需要你跟進。 –