2012-02-09 63 views


case class Range(from:Int, to:Int) 

val rangelist = List(Range(3, 40), Range(1, 45), Range(2, 50), etc) 


3 40 
    1 45 
    2 50 
70 75 
75 90 
80 85 
100 200 


1 50 
70 90 
100 200 


  1. Pop()第一個range-obj並遍歷列表的其餘部分,並將其與其他每個範圍進行比較。
  2. 如果有重疊的項目, 將它們合併在一起(這會產生一個新的Range實例),並從源列表中刪除2個合併候選項。
  3. 在列表的末尾添加Range對象(可能已經通過合併多次更改)到最終結果列表中。
  4. 對剩下的項目中的下一項重複此操作。
  5. 一旦源列表爲空,我們就完成了。



初看起來,源代碼集合必須能夠像Stack一樣提供pop()PLUS ,使其能夠在遍歷它時通過索引刪除項目,但是那樣就不再那麼實用了。



嘗試尾遞歸。 (如果沒有發生尾遞歸優化,則需要註釋纔會發出警告;編譯器會在沒有註釋的情況下執行此操作)

import annotation.{tailrec => tco} 
@tco final def collapse(rs: List[Range], sep: List[Range] = Nil): List[Range] = rs match { 
    case x :: y :: rest => 
    if (y.from > x.to) collapse(y :: rest, x :: sep) 
    else collapse(Range(x.from, x.to max y.to) :: rest, sep) 
    case _ => 
    (rs ::: sep).reverse 
def merge(rs: List[Range]): List[Range] = collapse(rs.sortBy(_.from)) 

假定'rs'按範圍初始元素排序。最好是讓'x包含y.from'。 – 2012-02-10 04:58:27


'merge'排序並傳遞給'collapse'。如果你不這樣做,你的運行時間應該是'O(n^2)'而不是'O(n log n)'。 – 2012-02-10 05:43:52


呃!我沒有注意到'merge'方法... – 2012-02-10 15:33:46



case class Range(from:Int, to:Int) { 
    assert(from <= to) 

    /** Returns true if given Range is completely contained in this range */ 
    def contains(rhs: Range) = from <= rhs.from && rhs.to <= to 

    /** Returns true if given value is contained in this range */ 
    def contains(v: Int) = from <= v && v <= to 

def collapse(rangelist: List[Range]) = 
    // sorting the list puts overlapping ranges adjacent to one another in the list 
    // foldLeft runs a function on successive elements. it's a great way to process 
    // a list when the results are not a 1:1 mapping. 
    rangelist.sortBy(_.from).foldLeft(List.empty[Range]) { (acc, r) => 
    acc match { 
     case head :: tail if head.contains(r) => 
     // r completely contained; drop it 
     head :: tail 
     case head :: tail if head.contains(r.from) => 
     // partial overlap; expand head to include both head and r 
     Range(head.from, r.to) :: tail 
     case _ => 
     // no overlap; prepend r to list 
     r :: acc 

非常感謝。你需要在將它恢復到排序順序之後進行反轉。 – monkjack 2013-11-22 19:13:44



def merge(ranges:List[Range]) = ranges 
    .sortWith{(a, b) => a.from < b.from || (a.from == b.from && a.to < b.to)} 
    .foldLeft(List[Range]()){(buildList, range) => buildList match { 
    case Nil => List(range) 
    case head :: tail => if (head.to >= range.from) { 
     Range(head.from, head.to.max(range.to)) :: tail 
    } else { 
     range :: buildList 

merge(List(Range(1, 3), Range(4, 5), Range(10, 11), Range(1, 6), Range(2, 8))) 
//List[Range] = List(Range(1,8), Range(10,11))