2015-05-22 177 views


ToolStripMenuItem of my program




ToolStripMenuItem of Visual Studio 2013


另一種解決方案去應該是這樣:設置'ShortcutKeys'財產,這樣的'ShortcutKeyDisplayString'自動設置。將'ShowShortcutKeys'設置爲true將正確顯示項目旁邊的快捷方式。 – Koryu


我剛剛爲你嘗試過。這些項目右對齊。看起來你必須擴展課程並覆蓋繪畫。 :/ – Koryu


@Koryu,對不起,我不知道改寫這幅畫。你能提供一些進一步的幫助嗎? – Tops





Public Class Form1 

    Public Sub New() 

    MenuStrip1.Renderer = New MyToolStripProfessionalRenderer() 

    End Sub 
End Class 





新Autowidth:Imagewidth +一些空間+ 最大Itemtext +一些空間+大ShortcutText下+一些空間

enter image description here

所以我重寫Initialize(toolStrip As System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip)方法。 首先,我添加了一些常量來設置空格。要計算寬度,我抓取所有項目並查找子項目的最大文本,然後設置項目的新寬度。

注意:如果您的下拉菜單有另一個下拉菜單,那麼您必須 添加遞歸。

Imports System.Windows.Forms 

Public Class MyToolStripProfessionalRenderer 
    Inherits ToolStripProfessionalRenderer 

    Protected iconwidth As Integer = 22 ' the width of image icons 
    Protected paddingIconToText As Integer = 3 
    Protected paddingTextToShortCut As Integer = 20 
    Protected paddingShortCutToBoarder As Integer = 20 

    Private Enum TextType 
    Text = 0 
    Shortcut = 1 
    End Enum 

    Protected Overrides Sub OnRenderItemText(e As System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemTextRenderEventArgs) 

    ' render only ToolStripMenuItems 
    If e.Item.IsOnDropDown And TypeOf e.Item Is ToolStripMenuItem Then 

     Dim MenuItem As ToolStripMenuItem = e.Item 
     Dim Name As String = MenuItem.Text 
     Dim Shortcut As String = MenuItem.ShortcutKeyDisplayString 

     'avoid double draw. The method is called twice for each item, check what should be drawn, Text or Shortcut? 
     Dim Mode As TextType 
     If e.Text = Name Then 
     Mode = TextType.Text 
     Mode = TextType.Shortcut 
     End If 

     If Mode = TextType.Text Then 

     ' this is our column for the menuitem text 
     Dim FirstColumn As Rectangle = New Rectangle(MenuItem.ContentRectangle.Left + iconwidth + paddingIconToText, 
           MenuItem.ContentRectangle.Top + 1, 
           MenuItem.Width - iconwidth - paddingIconToText, 
     ' drawing the menu item 
     e.Graphics.DrawString(Name, MenuItem.Font, New SolidBrush(MenuItem.ForeColor), FirstColumn) 
     ' this is the Shortcut to display, be sure to have set it manually 


     ' to align the text on the wanted position, we need to know the width for the shortcuts, this depends also on the other menu items 
     Dim CurStrip As ToolStrip = MenuItem.GetCurrentParent() 
     Dim fShortCutWidth As Single = 0 
     ' lets find the other menuitems for this group 
     For Each item As Object In CurStrip.Items 
      ' lets look for the ToolStripMenuItem only 
      If TypeOf item Is ToolStripMenuItem Then 
      Dim ChildItem As ToolStripMenuItem = item 
      Dim sCurShortcut As String = ChildItem.ShortcutKeyDisplayString 
      ' how many pixels are needed to draw the current shortcut? 
      Dim size As SizeF = e.Graphics.MeasureString(sCurShortcut, ChildItem.Font) 
      If size.Width > fShortCutWidth Then 
       fShortCutWidth = size.Width ' save it for later 
      End If 
      End If 

     ' avoid to lose 1 pixel by casting to integer 
     Dim ShortCutWidth As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(fShortCutWidth) + 1 

     If fShortCutWidth > 0 Then 
      ' this is our second column for the shortcut text 
      Dim SecondColumn As Rectangle = New Rectangle(MenuItem.Width - ShortCutWidth - paddingShortCutToBoarder, 
           MenuItem.ContentRectangle.Top + 1, 
      ' drawing the shortcut 
      e.Graphics.DrawString(Shortcut, MenuItem.Font, New SolidBrush(MenuItem.ForeColor), SecondColumn) 
     End If 

     End If 
    Else ' there might be other items, use the default method 

    End If 

    End Sub 

    Protected Overrides Sub Initialize(toolStrip As System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip) 

    ' custom autosize algorithm 
    ' 1: Find all dropdownbuttons 
    ' 2: Get all Menuitems within dropdown 
    ' 3: find the largest string of the dropdownitems text 
    ' 4: find the latgest string of the dropdownitems shortcuttext 
    ' 5: set the width for all items = picture width + padding + longest_itemtext + padding + longest_shortcuttext + padding 

    For Each item As ToolStripItem In toolStrip.Items ' get all dropdownbuttons 
     If TypeOf item Is ToolStripDropDownButton Then 
     Dim btn As ToolStripDropDownButton = item 
     If btn.HasDropDownItems Then ' dropdownitems 
      Dim MaxSizeOfItemName As Single = 0 
      Dim MaxSizeOfShortCutName As Single = 0 
      Dim CurSizeOfItemName As Single = 0 
      Dim CurSizeOfShortCutName As Single = 0 

      For Each child As ToolStripItem In btn.DropDownItems ' menu items within dropdown menu 
      ' find the largest strings of dropdownitems 
      If TypeOf child Is ToolStripMenuItem Then 
       Dim CurrentMenuItem As ToolStripMenuItem = child 
       CurSizeOfItemName = TextRenderer.MeasureText(CurrentMenuItem.Text, child.Font).Width 
       CurSizeOfShortCutName = TextRenderer.MeasureText(CurrentMenuItem.ShortcutKeyDisplayString, child.Font).Width 
       MaxSizeOfItemName = Math.Max(MaxSizeOfItemName, CurSizeOfItemName) 
       MaxSizeOfShortCutName = Math.Max(MaxSizeOfShortCutName, CurSizeOfShortCutName) 
      End If 
      If MaxSizeOfItemName > 0 Then 
      Dim autowidth As Integer = iconwidth + paddingIconToText + Convert.ToInt32(MaxSizeOfItemName) + 1 + paddingTextToShortCut + Convert.ToInt32(MaxSizeOfShortCutName) + 1 + paddingShortCutToBoarder 
      ' it's not enough to set only the dropdownitems' width, also have to change the ToolStripDropDownMenu width 
      Dim menu As ToolStripDropDownMenu = btn.DropDownItems.Item(0).GetCurrentParent() ' maybe there is a better way to get the menuobject?! 
      menu.AutoSize = False 
      menu.Width = autowidth 
      For Each child As ToolStripItem In btn.DropDownItems 
       child.AutoSize = False 
       child.Width = autowidth 
      End If ' MaxSizeOfItemName 

      ' CAUTION: this works only for the first level of menuitems, if your dropdownmenu has another dropdownmenu, move the code above into a method and add recursion for each dropdownbutton with subitems 
     End If ' btn.HasDropDownItems 
     End If ' TypeOf item Is ToolStripDropDownButton 
    Next 'For Each item As ToolStripItem 

    End Sub 
End Class 

謝謝你的努力。我會盡力回覆你。 – Tops


你好@Koryu,我嘗試過使用MenuStrip,但是我遇到了一些問題。問題:設計時間(text + shortcutdisplaystring)和運行時間(text + shorcutdisplaystring)在RunTime中都可見。設計文檔和運行時文本都重疊。如果解決了,它會很棒。你可以編輯和幫助嗎?謝謝。 – Tops


@KnockKnock你可以發佈設計器生成的代碼爲你的菜單?所以我可以將你的菜單複製到我的項目中。 – Koryu



private class MenuRenderer : ToolStripProfessionalRenderer { 

    Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); 
    int shortcutTextMargin = 5; 
    Font cachedFont = null; 

    protected override void OnRenderItemText(ToolStripItemTextRenderEventArgs e) { 
     ToolStrip ts = e.Item.Owner; 
     if (ts.Font != cachedFont) { 
      cachedFont = ts.Font; // assumes all menu items use the same font 

     var mi = e.Item as ToolStripMenuItem; 

     if (mi != null && mi.ShortcutKeys != (Keys) 0) { 
      if (e.Text != mi.Text) { // shortcut text 
       ToolStripMenuItem owner = (ToolStripMenuItem) e.Item.OwnerItem; 

       e.TextFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter; 
       Size sz = TextRenderer.MeasureText(e.Graphics, e.Text, e.TextFont); 

       int w = owner.DropDown.Width; 
       int x = w - (sz.Width + shortcutTextMargin); 
       int? xShortcut = (int?) ht[owner]; 
       if (!xShortcut.HasValue || x < xShortcut.Value) { 
        xShortcut = x; 
        ht[owner] = xShortcut; 

       Rectangle r = e.TextRectangle; 
       r.X = xShortcut.Value; 
       e.TextRectangle = r; 
