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<h1 class="bold"><strong>Sparkling Beauty Sparkling Service</strong></h1>
<h1 class="l2">GALA DINNER<br>
Sparkling Dior Ambassadress</h1>
<h1 class="l3">26<sup>th</sup> May 2016<br>
JW Marriott Hotel, Macau</h1>
<h1 class="l4">Dress Code: Rose Gold and Champagne </h1>
<h2>Remember to bring your sparkling outfit.<br>
There will be a prize for best-dressed.</h2>
問題尋求幫助調試必須包括必要的重現它最短的代碼**在問題本身NB ** - **請不要濫用代碼塊來解決這個需求** 。 –