2017-05-06 41 views

我正在嘗試創建一個帶有MySQL數據的2D圖表,它將顯示兩個數據範圍。對於之前和當前的結果。我必須使用兩個查詢來自FusionCharts中的MySQL的Multi Series 2d柱形圖

  1. "SELECT name, points FROM results GROUP BY name";

  2. "SELECT name, pointsold FROM results GROUP BY name";



     // Form the SQL query that returns the top 10 most populous countries 
     $strQuery = "SELECT name, points FROM results GROUP BY name"; 

     // Execute the query, or else return the error message. 
     $result = $dbhandle->query($strQuery) or exit("Error code ({$dbhandle->errno}): {$dbhandle->error}"); 

     // If the query returns a valid response, prepare the JSON string 
     if ($result) { 
      // The `$arrData` array holds the chart attributes and data 
      $arrData = array(
      "chart" => array(
       "caption" => "Rozkład punktacji", 
       "paletteColors" => "#0075c2", 
       "bgColor" => "#ffffff", 
       "borderAlpha"=> "20", 
       "canvasBorderAlpha"=> "0", 
       "usePlotGradientColor"=> "0", 
       "plotBorderAlpha"=> "0", 
       "showXAxisLine"=> "1", 
       "xAxisLineColor" => "#999999", 
       "showValues" => "1", 
       "divlineColor" => "#999999", 
       "divLineIsDashed" => "1", 
       "showAlternateHGridColor" => "0" 

      $arrData["data"] = array(); 

    // Push the data into the array 
      while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { 
      array_push($arrData["data"], array(
       "label" => $row["nazwa"], 
       "value" => $row["punkty"] 

      /*JSON Encode the data to retrieve the string containing the JSON representation of the data in the array. */ 

      $jsonEncodedData = json_encode($arrData); 

    /*Create an object for the column chart using the FusionCharts PHP class constructor. Syntax for the constructor is ` FusionCharts("type of chart", "unique chart id", width of the chart, height of the chart, "div id to render the chart", "data format", "data source")`. Because we are using JSON data to render the chart, the data format will be `json`. The variable `$jsonEncodeData` holds all the JSON data for the chart, and will be passed as the value for the data source parameter of the constructor.*/ 

      $columnChart = new FusionCharts("column2D", "myFirstChart" , 600, 300, "chart-2", "json", $jsonEncodedData); 

      // Render the chart 

      // Close the database connection 

