2014-11-23 94 views





using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Threading.Tasks; 

namespace TacticalCheeseRacer 
    class Program 
     struct Player 
      public string Name; 
      public int Pos; 

     static Player[] players = new Player[4]; 

     static int[] PlayerPositions= new int[4]; 

     private static void GameTurn() 

      //TODO: plays a turn for all the players in the game 
      //TODO: stops moving players when some has won 

     private static bool PlayerTurn(int playerNo, int distance) 
      //TODO: Makes a move the given player 

      if (players[playerNo].Pos >= 64)//Checks if players position is below 64 

       return true; 

      if (distance > 64) 
       Console.WriteLine("You have won the game");//distance greater then 64, you have won 

      players[0].Name = "Shane"; 
      players[0].Pos = 0; 

      PlayerTurn(0, 5); 

      return false; 

     public static void ResetGame() 
      int NumberofPlayers; 
        Console.WriteLine("Please enter number of player (1-4): ");//enter the number of players to play 
        string StringNumberofPlayers = Console.ReadLine(); 
        NumberofPlayers = int.Parse(StringNumberofPlayers); 

       while (NumberofPlayers > 4 || NumberofPlayers < 2); 

      for (int i = 0; i < NumberofPlayers; i++) 
       int Name = i + 1; 
       players[i].Pos = 0; 
       Console.WriteLine("Enter your name");//enter your name at the start of game 
       players[i].Name = Console.ReadLine(); 
      //gets the numbers of playes and sets the required elements in 
      //playerPositions to 0 on the board 

     static void Main() 
      ResetGame();// reset game method 





如何輸入應該拔掉?如何計算距離?給我們更多的背景。 現在,我可以給你的唯一的事情就是這個循環


bool finished = false; 
int winner=-1; 
for(int i =0;i<players.Length && !finished;i++){ 
//read input from user, i dont know your game logic. 
string input = Console.ReadLine(); 
if(PlayerTurn(i, distance)){ //pass us more context to know what to do. 
finished = true; 
//do something with the winner variable 

您可以通過ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey();

拿到鑰匙那麼你可以做。 if(key.Key == ConsoleKey.W)移動玩家forwad或東西


它的作品,使一個遊戲simular蛇爬梯子,使用Windows控制檯應用程序在C sharp。目標是: 輸入名爲A,B,C和D的四名球員。 完成一個遊戲回合並將所有玩家移動到他們距離爲3的方格3上。 遊戲應報告每個玩家的新位置播放器。 通過移動每位玩家65的距離,完成遊戲回合並檢測出該玩家A獲勝(以便B,C和D未獲得回合)。 – shaneo 2014-11-23 15:39:55